2021: Conversations In Partnership with 1001 New Worshiping Communities

Spirit Inspired Worship

EPISODE 7: Spirit Inspired Worship
This week we were joined by Marthame Sanders, Phillip Morgan, Gad Mpoyo, and Bethany Fox for an exciting end to our Vital Conversations series. We were left equipped through conversation and worship planning to allow the Spirit to inspire us every day of the week!
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Ecclesial Health

EPISODE 6: Stewardship and Resource Recovery Post-Pandemic
In this week’s episode our panelists Bryce Wiebe, Erin Weber-Johnson, and Rafael Viana packed every moment with their expertise and fervor. Fellow colleagues from PDA joined the conversation to share the importance of this conversation in times of disaster relief.
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Outward Incarnational Focus

EPISODE 5: The Church as a Movement
This week we were joined by the dynamic duo Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley co-moderators of the 224th General Assembly along with Letiah Fraser and Nick Pickrell for a powerful and honest conversation about maintaining an outward focus and creating a sense of belonging within our community.
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Lifelong Discipleship Formation

EPISODE 4: Awakening and Engaging the Church in Issues Facing Today’s Culture
This week’s episode, from beginning to end, was both nourishing and refreshing as our friends and colleagues Jerry Cannon, John Cleghorn and Susan Brouillette shared from the deep wells of their leadership experience on how to put our faith into action.
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Caring Relationships

EPISODE 3: How Did Jesus / NT Writers Speak of Love?
This week our friends and colleagues Nancy Wind, Shawn Kang, Eric Thomas and Diane Bogues left us to ponder many thoughts about caring relationships and loving not only ourselves but others as Christ has loved us.

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Intentional Authentic Evangelism

EPISODE2: 8 Habits of Evangelism
Katy Steinberg, Colin Kerr, Ralph Watkins, and Tom Bagley have an engaging conversation that suggests that we abandon our tradition and embrace more meaningful relationships meeting people right where they are!

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Empower Servant Leadership

Episode 1: Pastor and Church Leader Mental Health
Amantha Barbee, Bertram Johnson, Jason Whitehead and Pablo Rivera shared their wisdom and research concerning stress and its manifestations on church leaders. Panelist also discussed stress management and self-care practices for pastors.

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Previous Conversations

2020: Conversations For Such a Time as This