Why Presbyterians are Like That

Why Presbyterians are Like That is a series of Bible Studies intended to help participants think about why Presbyterians are the way we are. Like most Christians throughout history, Presbyterians affirm the faith articulated in the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed. Presbyterians are distinguished by the particular ways we live out our faith in Jesus. We don’t claim to be the only Christians who emphasize the elements of Christian faith discussed in this bible study, but we do believe that these common emphases and themes mark us as distinctive in the Christian family.

Presbyterians are the way we are because Presbyterians are Christians who believe:
Studying the Bible prayerfully and together helps us figure out which things matter more than other things; Grace happens; God’s grace invites response; God gave us brains and expects us to use them;  We are beloved, gifted, capable, and safe. Already. Right now; God calls us to be on the side of the ones who are having the hardest time; Nobody’s perfect; There’s more Holy Spirit in a bunch of us than in any single one of us; God isn’t finished; and God’s love is not limited to our particular faith community.


This resource was created in 2022 by the Office of Christian Formation in the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the PC(USA) in partnership with UKirk Collegiate Ministries. The writer is Rev. John Williams, Ph.D. Chaplain and Director of Church Relations Austin College, Sherman, Texas.

There are Two editions. One is written particularly with college students in mind reflected in examples, language and questions. The other is written for use by adults in general in faith communities. You can download each complete study or choose to download individual studies which may be easier to share with participants or volunteer formation leaders.

The resource includes an introduction and overview and studies titled Bible, Grace, Response, Brains, Right Now, Justice, Sin, Presbyterian, Hope, and Humbly. It also includes an appendix with references to the PCUSA Book of Order and Book of Confessions.

Learn more about the resource from writer John Williams in this short video.

Are you looking for ways to engage this material in a variety of settings? See this Quicksheet for suggestions.

Why Presbyterians are Like That: College Student Edition

Why Presbyterians are Like That: Congregation Edition


This new additional 2023 resource is intended to help Presbyterian individuals and congregations think and talk about how we can live out our Christian faith in a diverse world.

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For additional Quicksheet and Resources go here.