Intergenerational Formation

For some folks, intergenerational formation is still a fairly new way of thinking about Christian discipleship and for others they have been engaged in it for years in various ways. While those new to it may have read articles or books on the topic or perhaps even attended a workshop at a conference, others have no idea where to begin. Not surprisingly, most of those new to the conversation just want to know, “What are the most important things I need to know about intergenerational formation in order to do it in my church?” That’s a big question to answer, so we’ve broken it down into smaller chunks that are aimed at helping you navigate the world of intergenerational formation. As a way of framing them, we’ve divided them up into three categories: 1) broader concepts, 2) terms and clarifications, and 3) practical considerations.

Several key takeaways include:

• Intergenerational formation is more focused on the internal nature of the Christian community.
• Intergenerational formation has an emphasis on experiencing and participation, not on learning and accumulation of knowledge.
• Intergenerationality is about being a different kind of church not doing church differently.

Click here for a complete introduction to Intergenerational Formation.

Intergenerational Mission

When all generations participate in mission together, it leads to a portrait of mission that becomes part of the identity of every age and stage of your congregation. Intergenerational Mission Resources available now.

Intergenerational Cohorts
Online cohorts are for 5-8 leaders from your church, Presbytery or a non-geographical group of leaders. Each year we offer a limited number of these cohorts each year at no cost. Contact us to learn more.

Online Workshops
We offer online workshops for your congregation, Presbytery or group of colleagues on the following topics for Intergenerational Ministries:
♦ Becoming Intergenerational Again
♦ Sabbath Faith Practices for Intergenerational Ministries
♦ Intergenerational Community Case Studies

Each of these workshops can be adapted to fit your needs. Contact us to learn more.

christian formationPCUSA Resources

Additional Resources

The @CHURCH card game is a quick drafting game centered around the theme of lifelong Christian Formation.

@Church – the Card game