Bending the Moral Arc

Bending the Moral Arc provides a beginning—a foundational entry point—for working to dismantle structural racism by coming together in courageous conversation to promote a deeper understanding and awareness of the profound impact of racism in all our lives. Two congregations in Princeton, New Jersey modeled this program and worked with the Presbyterian Mission Agency to tell their story and create these resources. The resources are all available for download and you are encouraged to visit their website to learn more.

Downloadable Resources:
Bending the Moral Arc Guide  (with 2021 Resources)
This small-group manual is the result of a partnership between the leadership of these churches and Theology, Formation and Evangelism in the Presbyterian Mission Agency
Courageous Conversations (2023 Resources)

Bending the Moral Arc: Courageous Conversations
The website of the two PC(USA) congregations in Princeton, New Jersey, one predominantly Black and the other primarily white, who started this grass roots, lay-led movement.  

Bending the Moral Arc Webinar
Hosted by Theology Formation and Evangelism in the Presbyterian Mission Agency with panelists from Nassau Presbyterian Church and Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church

PC(USA) News Stories:
You too can help bend the moral arc