Presbyterian Men Sunday

June 20, 2021

Presbyterian Men Sunday is the Sunday otherwise recognized as Father’s Day. The General Assembly intentionally planned for the Church on this day to recognize the contributions of all men and not limit today’s celebration only to those who have children. It includes single men, stepfathers, grandfathers, men who are unable to be with their children, and all other men who do not necessarily fit in these categories.

Regardless of their family situations, all Presbyterian Men are called by God to share their time, talents, spirit, and energies fulfilling their call to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and to act like fathers to all the children in their congregation.

The General Assembly designated this Sunday as a special day to recognize the gifts and contributions of men to the Church’s ministry. In every congregation and council of the church, men are working and praying to make better communities, to strengthen and broaden the faith of their brothers in Christ, and to make new disciples for Christ.

Congregations are invited to celebrate “Presbyterian Men Sunday.” This can be a day of thanksgiving as your congregation recognizes, rejoices, and renews its commitment to provide the vital ministries of men performing their unique Christian duties in the home, church, workplace and community.

How Can Presbyterians Celebrate Presbyterian Men Sunday?

1. Be intentional in your invitation to celebrate and worship.
Focus on how men worship and fellowship and don’t be afraid of stereotypes.

  • Involve men in the worship service.
  • Include a men’s choir in the worship service.
  • Invite all men of the congregation and men from the community to worship.
  • Use more specific and directive language in the sermon; e.g. “Here’s what needs to be done,” emphasizing the need for men’s involvement in the mission and activities of the church
  • Have a meal or fellowship time following worship; let the men be evident in the cooking and serving.

2. Choose a man to honor as the “Church Man of the Year” in your congregation—someone who has demonstrated his discipleship and leadership. Here’s a form to use that will register your selection with NPMM and provide mission support to NPMM.

3. The Mission Statement of National Presbyterian Men’s Ministry (NPMM):
To equip and train all men to pursue the will of Jesus through: mission outreach, leadership; and discipleship.

4. As you plan the worship and fellowship events for the day, keep in mind the elements of the Mission Statement:

  • It is for all men.
  • It involves equipping and training
  • Its priority is pursuing the will of Jesus
  • It identifies three aspects of this pursuit: mission outreach, leadership, and discipleship.