Growing Christ’s Church Deep and Wide

Videos: Growing Christ’s Church Deep and Wide

Watch and download this series of videos for stories of how Presbyterians are Growing Christ’s Church Deep and Wide in diversity, evangelism, discipleship and servanthood.

Christ is Risen!

Greystone Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City is experiencing transformation.  Around 2008 Greystone was considering closing the church, due in part to dwindling, aging membership.  At that same time they called a young pastor, Timothy Blodgett.  What happened next was a lot of conversation, prayer and an unexpected offer from a neighboring church to buy the Greystone property for a sizeable amount.  The church chose life, accepted the offer and is extending their new life out to a rapidly growing suburb, where they plan to build a new church and continue their mission and ministry to grow Christ’s church deep and wide.

Sharing Christmas

Historically Riverside Presbyterian Church in Sterling, Virginia had put on a Christmas pagent attracting thousands of people during the Advent season.  Feeling a new to do something more tangible that merely a participant/spectator type of celebration, they decided to share Christmas with their community.  They partnered with a local elementary school to provide gifts to underprivileged children, they hosted Christmas meals for day-laborers in the community, and members hosted Christmas Eve services in their own living rooms, inviting members, friends and neighbors.  Riverside is one community of faith that worships in both English (pastor Brian Clark) and Spanish (pastor Edwin Andradre)

Sharing Jesus Christ

The Miami Korean Presbyterian Church went through a very difficult time a few years ago and ended up losing over half of its members.  When Pastor Jungyn Shin was called to the church he asked the remaining members to pray, pray and pray somemore.  What transpired was a new life for the church as they listened to Gods call and became active discipleships of Jesus Christ in their community. 

Servanthood Changes Lives

The historic church of Carondelet Markham on the south side of St. Louis was dwindling in membership, only 17 members a few years back.  Then one day a refugee from Liberia showed up with her two daughters looking for a welcoming place to worship and to sing.  The Rev. Susan Finley and the congregation opened their arms in servanthood in the most complete

Love of God For All Nations

North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia sits on one of the most diverse corners in the country.  Pastor Scott Weimer and the congregation embrace that to the fullest extent, within their doors and out in the community, ministering to and with peoples of all nations.  As a result the church continues to grow and thrive.