Advent Devotionals for Pastors and Churches

Advent is the season of the church year where we wait and anticipate something wonderful to come. The coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We celebrate with waiting, preparation and anticipation of Christ’s coming into the world as babe, the Lord God becoming flesh. The incarnate Word sent to dwell among us. We wait with expectation for the second coming of Christ when He will return to claim those who are His very own.

We wait with hope for the day of his coming, with peace in our minds, with joy in our spirits, with love in our hearts. We watch and wait. We expect good things to come. This is the beginning of our church year. and what a way to start each year, looking for the embodiment of God to redeem and capture those whom God loves. Oh, what joy fills our souls!

We invite you to take part in these Advent devotions that espouse the themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. We begin with a devotion that speaks of Advent and the importance of waiting. Start your year off right, won’t you?

Week One: Opening Devotional
Ms. Naomi McQuiller

English PDF | Spanish PDF | Korean PDF

Week Two: Hope
Rev. Dr. Ray Jones

English PDF | Spanish PDF | Korean PDF

Week Three: Peace
Rev. Carlton Johnson

English PDF | Spanish PDF | Korean PDF

Week Four: Love
Rev. Veronica Cannon

English PDF | Spanish PDF | Korean PDF

Week Five: Joy
Rev. Tony Oltmann

English PDF | Spanish PDF | Korean PDF