Demographic Report

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Neighborhood Demographic Reports

Research Services provides free online demographic information for the community around your congregation based on U.S. Census data. You can find information on:

  • Annual population growth
  • Percentage of households with children
  • Adult age distribution
  • Housing types
  • Education level of adults
  • Household income
  • Major cultural/ethnic

You can also identify other Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations in your area, look at neighborhood demographics, and zoom in and out on a demographics map. For help with Demographic Reports, contact us at (800) 728-7228, x2040, or send us an email.

You can search the Neighborhood Demographic Report application by entering either a zip code or a specific city and state. To search by zip code, just enter the five-digit zip code of your church’s local community. To use the city/state option, enter a city name and then select the state from the dropdown box. After you’ve entered the zip code or city/state option, click the “Search” button, or you can click on the map and use the zoom functions to zero in on your area of interest.

Search Results

The Demographic Report database will display a map of the area you selected. The map shows major highways and each Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation. Urban areas often appear cluttered on this map, but you can use the Zoom functions to adjust the display.

Getting the Details

Zoom In: Use the + button above the map to display a smaller area of the map in more detail. Zooming in will reveal roads and PC(USA) congregations in the map area.
Zoom Out: Use the — button above the map to view a larger area.

To the right of the map you’ll find an area labeled “Choices, Selections, and Options.” Click on one of the items under that heading to obtain more information from the map. Note: For some options to work, you need to be zoomed in to a relatively small section of the map.

  • Identify Pictured Churches: Provides name, membership and contact information for pictured churches.
  • View Neighborhood Statistics: Provides demographic information from the U.S. Census for Census tracks in the area shown.
  • Submit New Locations or Updates: Allows you to send an email to let us know if your church location has changed.
  • Download Block Group Data in Excel Format: Allows you to download a copy of the Census data for your chosen area. Note: You must first click on “View Neighborhood Statistics” for this feature to work.

Demographic Data Fields
(provided from U.S. Census)

The “View Neighborhood Statistics” function provides demographic information about people in a three-mile radius around the point clicked. Click on “View Neighborhood Statistics” to bring up the next screen, which displays options under the heading “Select a Report.” Each option in “Select a Report” displays a map and several graphs for a particular topic; most also show comparisons with data for the United States nationally.

  • Summary overview: Displays population trends, age composition, housing types, education levels, household incomes, and major cultural groups; a map shows the distribution of families and young adults in the neighborhood.
  • Age groups: Displays detailed age breakdown of the neighborhood population; a map shows the location of persons aged 20-34.
  • Culture/ethnicity: Displays population across major racial ethnic groups (white, non-Hispanic; African American, non-Hispanic; Native American, non-Hispanic; Asian American, non-Hispanic; Hispanic; other); a map shows areas of population concentration.
  • Education levels: Displays educational attainment of persons aged 25 or more, and public and private school enrollment for persons less than 25 years of age; a map shows the distribution of college graduates.
  • Family structure: Displays number of families by marital status and presence/absence of children, and marital backgrounds of currently single adults; a map shows the percentage of households that contain families.
  • Housing types: Displays number of housing units by type and year built, rental rates, and owner-occupied housing values; a map shows the number of housing units built from 1990-2000.
  • Economic indicators: Displays household income, employment status, and occupational categories; a map shows household income.
  • Population and growth: Displays population for the 1990 and 2000 Censuses, a 2002 estimate, a 2007 projection, annual population growth rates, population urban/rural distribution, housing shifts and migration between 1995 and 2000, and travel time to work; a map shows projected population change.