
Embracing The Ambiguity

A Letter from Kurt Esslinger and Hyeyoung Lee, serving in Korea | October 2019

Suppleness Before God

A Letter from Dustin and Sherri Ellington, serving in Zambia | August 2018

Moving to the Margins

A letter from Burkhard Paetzold, serving as Regional Liaison for Central and Eastern Europe, based in Germany | November 2017

In Their Own Words

A letter from Dustin and Sherri Ellington, serving in Zambia | November 2017

Singing and Signing

Kristen is a Young Adult Volunteer from Hawaii, serving at the Casa del Buen Trato – a home for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse run by our Joining Hands partners in the mountain town of Huanuco. Her gift of music has opened a door to develop trusting relationships with those who have found so little to trust in this world.