
The Voices of Children

A letter from Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez, serving in the Philippines | September 2017

Encouraged in Faith

A letter from Martha Sommers, soon to be serving in Malawi | August 2017

Healing Hearts in East Congo

A letter from Christi Boyd serving in Central Africa, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | December 2016

What You Can Do for Migrants

A letter from Tracey King-Ortega regional liaison for Central America, based in Nicaragua | December 2016

A Harrowing Experience

A letter from Martha Sommers serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo October 2016 Write to Martha Sommers Individuals: Give online to E200526 for Martha Sommers’ sending and support… Read more »

Stories of Heartbreak and Hope

A letter from Christi Boyd, serving in Central Africa, based in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Peace With Justice

A letter from César Carhuachín serving in Colombia|April 2015