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A letter from Lynn and Sharon Kandel serving in South Sudan|May 2015
A letter from César Carhuachín in Colombia|June 2015
A Letter from Don Choi in the U.S., returning to service in Indonesia|June 23, 2015
A letter from Cobbie Palm serving in the Philippines|June 2015
A letter from Stephen and Brenda Stelle serving in Ethiopia|June 2015
A letter from Claire Zuhosky serving in Niger|July 2015
A letter from Tracey King-Ortega serving in Nicaragua|June 2015
A letter from Luta and Jeremy Garbat-Welch serving in Malawi|June 2015
A letter from Kate Taber serving in Israel-Palestine|July 2015
A letter from Mark Hare in the U.S. on Interpretation Assignment from Haiti/Dominican Republic