
Singing and Signing

Kristen is a Young Adult Volunteer from Hawaii, serving at the Casa del Buen Trato – a home for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse run by our Joining Hands partners in the mountain town of Huanuco. Her gift of music has opened a door to develop trusting relationships with those who have found so little to trust in this world.

We Are Not Our Own

A letter from Dustin and Sherri Ellington serving in Zambia|March 2016

Dialogue and Community

A letter from Jenny Bent in the U.S. on Interpretation Assignment from Haiti/Dominican Republic

Elusive Hope

A letter from Ryan and Alethia White serving in Germany|June 2015

Effective Initiatives

A letter from Luta and Jeremy Garbat-Welch serving in Malawi|April 2015

A Surprise in Eastleigh

A letter from Nancy Collins serving as Regional Liaison for East Central Africa, based in Zambia