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An Awesome Witness

An Awesome Witness A letter from Kay Day serving in Rwanda | May 1, 2017 This year the remembrance of the Genocide of 1994 took on a special meaning for me as I helped to host the PC(USA) Africa mission co-workers’ gathering here in Rwanda, which focused on the theme of Reconciliation.

The Power of Forgiveness

A letter from Nancy Collins, serving as Regional Liaison for East Central Africa, based in Zambia | June 2017

Reconciliation Supper

A letter from Josey Saez Acevedo and David Cortes Fuentes serving in Cuba | June 2017

One Year and Counting

A letter from Charles and Melissa Johnson serving in Zambia | March 2017

The War Goes On

A letter from Ellen Smith, regional liaison for Eastern Europe, based in Germany | May 2017

Now I See

A letter from Nancy and Shelvis Smith-Mather working with RECONCILE International with South Sudanese refugees living in refugee camps in Uganda | May 2017

Easter Peace

A letter from Choon and Yen Hee Lim, Regional Liaison for East Asia, based in South Korea | April 2017