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A Miracle Porridge

A letter from Inge Sthreshley serving in the Congo | July 2017

New Position in Zimbabwe

A letter from Ruth Brown preparing to serve in Zimbabwe (formerly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) | June 2017

A New School Preaches

A letter from Barry and Shelly Dawson, serving together as World Mission’s regional liaison for Southeast Asia, based in Thailand | June 2017

Singing and Signing

Kristen is a Young Adult Volunteer from Hawaii, serving at the Casa del Buen Trato – a home for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse run by our Joining Hands partners in the mountain town of Huanuco. Her gift of music has opened a door to develop trusting relationships with those who have found so little to trust in this world.

One Year and Counting

A letter from Charles and Melissa Johnson serving in Zambia | March 2017

Winter Quarter

A letter from Mark Hare serving in the Dominican Republic and Haiti | Winter 2017

Catching Up

A letter from Janet Guyer serving as regional facilitator for women and children’s ministries in English-speaking Africa, based in Malawi | February 2017