A Letter from Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo, serving in China
November 2017
Write to Myoung Ho Yang
Write to Ji Yeon Yoo
Individuals: Give online to E200521 for Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo’s sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507584 for Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo’s sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings from Hong Kong!
“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:2)
About a month ago, Jieyon and I had a great opportunity to visit Cambodia. We were invited by one of my former students, Phalla, who was studying at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College when I first came to Hong Kong as a PC(USA) missionary in 2014. After he earned his Master’s degree in theology, he went back to his country. Phalla had passionately served churches in Cambodia for several years before coming to Hong Kong for his studies. Yet, he longed for theological education. Like many Cambodians, Phalla grew up in extreme poverty, so official theological education was unthinkable to him. Thus, he studied using online sources like YouTube. Fortunately, he had a chance to study at our school.
After Phalla returned to Cambodia, he continued to serve churches, planting four churches in different cities last year alone. He has planted 21 churches so far. One of his duties and joys is to travel to those cities to take care of churches and to encourage and build up church leaders. Last year, he also established a theological school called Doulos Academy in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia. Phalla rented a small building and prepared classrooms, a small chapel, a library, and multipurpose rooms. Currently the school has about 50 students.

Engaging in conversation with Cambodian students.
When we visited, Jiyeon and I met students at their dormitory, which is located about five miles from the school. Most of them are in their late teens and early twenties. They come from different parts of the country. Among them is one Vietnamese student who was born and grew up on a boat on the lake in Cambodia. There is a big Vietnamese community living on boats on the lake. This student will go back to the lake and serve people living there. Jiyeon and I could feel the students’ passion for the gospel as we engaged in conversations with them.
We were in Cambodia during the rainy season. One night, there was a heavy rain, and the whole city was flooded in an instant. It is said that about one third of the land in Cambodia is covered with water in this season every year. It must be a difficult time. But at the same time, they consider it a season of celebration because they expect that waters will bring a great abundance of crops.
As I looked through the window during our return flight to Hong Kong, I could see their water-covered land. The land of Cambodia as it appeared through the airplane window overlapped with the picture the prophet Habakkuk might had seen in his vision. Habakkuk 2:14 says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” I prayed Habakkuk’s words, looking down upon the land from the plane. Cambodia is a Buddhist country—less than 1 percent of the population is thought to be Christian. But the percentage is growing. I believe that Habakkuk’s vision will come true in Cambodia. I also believe it has begun. One Cambodian student came to our divinity school. And through his ministry of planting churches and establishing a divinity school, 50 students are now being equipped for their future ministries, and the number of Christians is increasing. Many more people will come to Christ through those future leaders.
We had Habakkuk’s words in our heart when we began our ministry in Hong Kong. This vision of God in Habakkuk always makes our heart leap. It has been our prayer that this vision will be fulfilled in China. Many students come to our divinity school from mainland China every year. We believe each one of these students will work for the expansion of the Lord’s kingdom when they return to their homes. I also believe that we will all see the land of China covered with the waters of the knowledge of the Lord when this vision is fulfilled.
Brothers and sisters, please continue to join in this ministry. I believe it is God’s blessing that you and I can work together as partners of God in this wonderful vision.
Jiyeon and I are blessed with your warm words of encouragement and concern. We deeply thank you for your walking with us in our ministry in Hong Kong through your loving prayers and support. Please continue to pray for our Divinity School, professors, and students. It is your spiritual and financial support that allows us to move on with a great hope and faith.
In Grace and peace of Jesus Christ,
Myoungho and Jiyeon
Please read this important message from Jose Luis Casal, Director, Presbyterian World Mission
Dear Friend of Presbyterian Mission,
What a joy to send this letter! As Presbyterian World Mission’s new director, I thank God for your faithful support of our mission co-workers. The enclosed newsletter celebrates the work you made possible by your prayers, engagement, and generous financial gifts. We can’t thank you enough.
After I began in April, I met with mission co-workers and global partners and was blessed to see firsthand the mighty ways God is working through them! Our global partners are asking us to help them move forward with life-changing ministries. Because of your support, we can say “yes” to these creative and exciting initiatives.
I write to invite you to make an even deeper commitment to this work. First, would you make a year-end gift for the sending and support of our mission co-workers? We need your gifts to end the year strong. With your help, we filled two new mission co-worker positions and plan to recruit for others. The needs in the world are great, and World Mission is poised to answer the call to serve.
Second, would you ask your session to add our mission co-workers to your congregation’s mission budget for 2018 and beyond? Our mission co-workers serve three-year or four-year terms. Your multi-year commitment will encourage them greatly.
Our mission co-workers are funded entirely from the special gifts of individuals and congregations like yours. Now more than ever, we need your financial support.
In faith, our mission co-workers accepted a call to mission service. In faith, World Mission sent them to work with our global partners. In faith, will you also commit to support this work with your prayers and financial gifts?
With gratitude,
Jose Luis Casal
P.S. Your gift will help meet critical needs of our global partners. Thank you!
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