A Letter from Tracey King-Ortega, serving as regional liaison for Central America, based in Nicaragua, currently in the U.S.
December 2020
Write to Tracey King-Ortega
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Dear friends,
In this season of joy, my heart is heavy. This extended time of being away physically from Nicaragua and the region of Central America has been difficult. The feelings are compounded by the recent devastation caused by two major hurricanes, Eta and Iota, wreaking havoc and loss across the region. There is some solace in our ability to quickly send solidarity grants to our global partners who are responding directly to the disaster. Though the destruction has yet to be fully assessed, we know that with widespread loss of crops that both the near and long-term is going be especially hard for an already vulnerable population.

Happy together.
Yet, I could not let this season of Advent pass without sending all of you a Christmas greeting. In the midst of loss, there is hope. There is hope of love, hope of reunion, and hope of light as seen is in the outpouring of prayers, and solidarity for a people who are hurting. As I see from afar hard times back home, I see my three children Catherine, Ruby and Benjamin, and my husband Mainor, and somehow, I know there we are where God has called us at this time. Thanks to technology, from here in the U.S. I am able to stay in close contact, support our partners throughout Central America, with my U.S. family nearby and my children getting along in virtual schooling. We are blessed to be together again as a family, serving and loving to the best of our abilities.
I want you all to know, once again, how grateful I am for your prayers and support that allow me to continue to serve God and the people of Central America. This witness to Jesus Christ is more joyous knowing you are by my side, even when our hearts are heavy.
May Christ be with you in this blessed season!
Blessings and peace,
Tracey King-Ortega
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