A letter from César Carhuachín serving in Colombia
March 2016
Write to César Carhuachín
Individuals: Give online to E200425 for Cesar Carhuachin’s sending and support
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Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
Dear friends and supporters of God’s mission in Colombia:
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus from Barranquilla! May the peace of Christ bless your personal life, your family and your congregation!
I want to begin my first 2016 Mission Connections letter thanking you for your faithful support during my first three years as a PC(USA) mission co-worker in Colombia. My adventure of service as a professor of Bible and Theology at the Reformed University of Colombia has helped me to grow as a Christian, as a Presbyterian minister, and as a mission worker. As a Latin American believer born in Lima, Peru, I have learned a lot about the “Colombian coastal culture.” The sense of time here is flexible: 4:00 pm may mean 4:30 or 5:00. Workers here have a difficult life, working 48 hours or more per week for a minimum monthly wage of about U$200. Daily life is conditioned by structural violence as hundreds of families have lost family members or had to flee their homes. Spiritual life is focused on searching for comfort, protection and direction.
I am especially thankful to our ecumenical partner, the Colombian Presbyterian Church (CPC) for helping me to learn about this complex situation.
I would like to ask for special prayer for one of my colleagues, Rev. Milton Mejia, who is member of the Presbytery of the Coast of the CPC and professor in the Theology Program of the Reformed University. Milton grew up in “Las Nieves” neighborhood, a very hot and densely populated area of Barranquilla. The ministry of the CPC shaped Milton’s life and was the channel God used to call him to Christian ministry. I met Milton in 2005 in the Summer Program on Human Rights of the American University (Washington, D.C.). We share the same passion for justice. In recent years his main focus has been to reflect theologically on the environment and to advocate for climate justice. Last year Milton was elected General Secretary of the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI), an especially challenging task. Please pray for him and his multiple responsibilities as a husband, father, minister and Latin American leader and theologian.
Also I would like to share about two of my students. Carmen Flores and Vanessa Piñeres. Carmen is a Pentecostal minister and Vanessa is training to become one. They were part of my Old Testament 1 class shortly after I arrived at the Reformed University in June of 2013. Today they are taking two courses with me, Hermeneutics and Systematic Theology 1, and they have expressed their gratitude for how much they are learning in the Theology Program. Both graciously have asked me to have some informal conversations about some issues related to the theology and the ministry. They say: “We never had seen the theological studies from the perspective we find here at the seminary. We are learning a lot.” They were referring to the historical-critical approach to Biblical studies and the ecumenical approach to Systematic Theology from a Latin American perspective. Manuel Bolivar, a Presbyterian student, also wants to participate in these informal conversations. I thank God for the opportunity to accompany local students in their theological training. Please pray for us that these conversations might be useful.

At the Reformed University, receiving my diploma for satisfactorily completing my 2016 training on “Pedagogical Formation to the University Education”
Also I would like to share with you that on February 26 I satisfactorily completed an intensive training on “Pedagogical Formation for University Education” at the University of Cartagena (Colombia). I am thankful to Presbyterian World Mission for making in possible for mission workers to improve our skills through continuing education. This training is already helping me to improve my daily responsibilities as professor of Bible and Theology. To God be the glory.
During these first months of 2016 I have been busy updating the syllabus of the four courses that I am teaching this semester: Old Testament 1, Hermeneutics, Theology of the Old Testament, and Systematic Theology 1. I am using what I learned in the continuing education course to prepare these materials, especially in the area of evaluation of course content.
On Sundays I am often invited to preach in local congregations. I am very grateful for these opportunities to reflect on the Word and comment on how God is at work in the world. It is enriching to be part of local worshiping communities.
As I have mentioned in my past letter, I am under treatment for allergy to mites. After three months I am seeing good changes in my left eye and I am thankful to God for it. But I have to continue with this treatment for one more year. I ask for your prayers for this health issue.
There is much more to share with you about the mission in Colombia. If you want to hear more about it, please visit my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/CesarCarhuachinInColombia), and feel free to like it. Also, you are invited to check out my page at the World Mission site: www.pcusa.org/cesar-carhuachin. If you want to contact me, feel free to use my email cesar.carhuachin@pcusa.org.
Thanks for your partnership in this ministry. In addition to your constant contact, thanks especially for your continued prayer and your financial support. Please continue to support my ministry in this new year!
Peace of the God be with you all,
César Carhuachín
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CesarCarhuachinInColombia
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