Return with Love
Summer 2024
Write to Eric Moe
Individuals: Give online to E132192 in honor of Betsey and Eric Moe’s ministry
Congregations: Give to D500115 in honor of Betsey and Eric Moe’s ministry
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery)
Subscribe to our co-worker letters

Dear friends in ministry,
As some of you already know, our four-year term as mission co-workers ends this year. After much prayer and consideration, we have decided to move back to Spokane, Washington. Eric will complete his mission co-worker term in mid-June and Betsey will continue through the end of December working remotely with CEDEPCA and also doing Interpretation Ministry – communicating with U.S. churches about CEDEPCA’s work.
We want to express to you how grateful we are for your coming alongside us and supporting us. You have shared in our dismay at pandemic setbacks, our excitement in finding new ways to connect virtually, our anxiety and awe in moving to Guatemala during uncertain times, and our joys of forming relationships and participating in meaningful work. Your financial support not only made it possible for us to be here, it also made us feel seen and our work valued. We were able to accompany our partner CEDEPCA through the entire pandemic, bringing creativity and energy to “Virtual Journeys” – a brand-new form of intercultural ministry, and then restarting the in-person Intercultural Encounters in Guatemala, reaching new church and university groups. Many of you participated virtually or even came to Guatemala in person to learn with us. We encourage you to join us in continuing to support PC(USA) mission co-workers and CEDEPCA to be a part of God’s work toward a just and peaceful world. Our colleagues in both circles are truly inspiring.

What’s next for us? Eric will be returning to the Spokane Symphony to make beautiful music and will also begin a job as a Financial Advisor with U.S. Bank. Betsey will come back to Guatemala to accompany a group in August and will travel with CEDEPCA co-worker Pamela Liquez to Pennsylvania and Virginia in October to talk about women’s issues in Guatemala. In January, she hopes to continue accompanying CEDEPCA in other ways while she jumps back into ministry in Spokane – although where and what that will be is yet to be determined. When we accepted positions as mission co-workers, we hoped that this season in Guatemala would inform our future work as a musician and a pastor with the U.S. church, and we are eager to see how this new phase takes shape. God goes before us!
For sure, we look forward to being closer to our boys (Henry continues studying at Seattle Pacific University and Owen will start at Whitworth University in the fall). Zoey will begin high school this year, and while she will miss her Guatemalan friends whom she has come to cherish, she looks forward to forging new friendships and reuniting with old classmates in this next phase of life.
Thank you again for accompanying us for part or all of the last four years. Our term is not over yet, so we ask for your continued prayers and support. Most of all, we want to say, “WE LOVE YOU!”
Grace and peace,
Eric and Betsey Moe
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