A Letter from Sharon Bryant, serving in Thailand
September 2018
Write to Sharon Bryant
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Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery)
Dear Friends,
Many of you are sweltering in the last gasp of summer and praying for the cool breezes of autumn. We in Thailand are splashing through puddles left by the daily rain showers that mark the rainy season here, leaving a brief respite before the mugginess returns. Yet, even we can feel an occasional breath of cool air — but mostly when we pass in front of an open door where the artificially cooled air inside escapes into the outdoors! It reminds me of my days in Texas, except for the “breathable water” that we inhale that those from Florida will recognize as a daily summer offering.

Lochumi Ezung (left) and Patricia, Christian Volunteers in Thailand who work at the Charoenrasdra School.
Just a few weeks remain in the first term of the school year that began in early May. Most teachers, administrators and students are beginning to long for the term break that comes in October, when we will welcome new Christian Volunteers in Thailand. Thailand fares worse than many of its neighbors in this part of the world in its population’s ability to use English, due in part to the fact that Thailand has never been colonized by a Western power and has never needed a second language to communicate. This is creating a crisis for Thailand today as it struggles to find its place in the new ASEAN Economic Community. (ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which Thailand is one of ten member nations.) As professionals from the other nine nations pour into Thailand to work, to establish new businesses, to invest and to live, Thailand is having difficulty meeting their needs and is losing valuable opportunities for its people due to the lack of English proficiency here.

Trish (right) and Lochumi teach English through songs and games.
Despite 550 years of Roman Catholic presence and 190 years of Protestant mission presence, the percentage of the Thai population that is Christian ranks near the bottom among nations in the ASEAN Economic Community. One might argue that this is because early missionaries to Thailand did not come with imperialist intentions and did not put people to the sword if they refused to convert. Those who still labor in this part of God’s Kingdom on earth believe there is still work to be done to show the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to those who live here. The percentage of Christians in the population continues to grow with each person who comes to believe — mostly by seeing Christ in the faces and lives of those who come to serve here.
The difference one person can make is huge. Two people can rock the world! Lochumi Ezung came to Charoenrasdra School in Phrae, Thailand, in October 2017 from Nagaland in India. Trish Pearce came to the school in May 2018 from Connecticut in the USA. The two of them are already making a difference at Charoenrasdra School where they work. Though this is one of the poorest schools in the network of 27 private Christian schools of our partner church in Thailand, the administration reports that enrollment is up and parents are delighted that these two volunteer teachers have embraced their children and are teaching them how to communicate more effectively in English using games, songs and laughter. In addition, Trish and Lochumi are teaching Bible stories and sharing God’s love with these children every day. To see a little of what they are doing, enter this link into your browser and watch a brief video of the fun the Thai children are having as they learn this foreign language that is so difficult for them: youtube.com/watch?v=k4JaDlk9jvo&feature=youtu.be
Have you ever thought about volunteering? Perhaps you should. We need you.
Finally, I cannot say enough to those of you who support my ministry in Thailand. Thank you seems like too little. You are making a difference with your prayers, your financial support and the emails you send. I would be happy to hear from you more often, for just knowing you are there lifts my spirit immeasurably! Write to sharon.bryant@ pcusa.org. You can find us on Facebook at Christian Volunteers in Thailand.
Thank you, again, for your support,
Sharon L. Bryant
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