A Letter from Kay Day, serving in Rwanda
August 2018
Write to Kay Day
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Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from cloudy Pittsburgh, PA. Much-needed rains are coming today, and we rejoice in that. This marks the end of my first month of traveling and speaking with supporters and friends here in the States. It has been a blessed time. I have been in four churches, one in Texas, which provided an opportunity for some visiting and sightseeing and a great time in the hill country of that great state. Thanks to the Dunhams and Central Presbyterian of Austin for such a warm welcome. The other three churches have been in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, so I have been “at home” with many friends. It has been a wonderful welcome. In addition, I have had the chance to meet with longtime friends for lunches and dinners and great catching-up sessions.
By far, the most energizing time was at the New Wilmington Mission Conference. This was the 113th conference, so there is a long tradition of welcoming missionaries and highlighting the kingdom building of God around the world. The focus of the conference is youth. Having time every morning for personal conversation about what God is doing in Rwanda with a different group of 10 youth was a blessing. These young folks had great questions and some profound insights about conflict and peace building. I had nine presentations and interactions in eight days, so it was a busy schedule.

Summer Service team.
But I must confess that the highlights for me were the conversations and meals with friends, old and new, catching up with folks I haven’t seen in several years and meeting new folks who are engaged in ministry. I was on the mission staff with PC(USA) mission colleagues and with other mission workers from other organizations. What a blessing to have time to share stories and laughter and renew friendships. Then there were the conferees of all ages who came from 26 states and several foreign countries. The one who touched my heart the most was a young pastor who read about the conference online and registered and came by himself — from Myanmar (former Burma). He joined in all the sessions and made many new friends; when the conference was over, he returned to his country. He came only for the conference. What a commitment to mission. The six young folks and their leader who went for six weeks to Italy as part of the conference’s summer service program returned with powerful stories of God working in the lives of refugees in Sicilia who have fled from many different countries. What a blessing the witness of these young people brought to all of us.
I am looking forward to meeting with more of you in August and September. In addition, I have some routine medical appointments set up. Please pray for the scheduling to allow for all that I hope to accomplish. If we haven’t connected yet, I hope we are able to. I couldn’t do any of this without you.
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