A letter from Myoung Ho Yang serving in Hong Kong
September 2015
For the last three weeks the weather has been cool and dry. We thought that we had finally adjusted to the local weather because we have been here for one year now. But people said that the weather was abnormal this year. And last week it went back to normal. Ji Yeon is still startled when she encounters a little lizard in the kitchen, and I am still not ready to meet a snake on the road. Except for those things, we seem to be growing accustomed to the local culture and life. We have even made friends at a local market. We now, like local people, buy meat hanging on the street. As a matter of fact, it is cheap and fresh.

Students passing of peace after Thursday worship service

Ji Yeon sharing the gospel

Ji Yeon buying meat at a local market
In my summer course there was one student who took the course from prison. I visited him three weeks after the summer term ended. The prison is located at the southern end of Hong Kong Island. We had a short class in a small room for an hour. He was a very brilliant and diligent student. We also shared our lives together. He became a Christian long before his incarceration. Since he has been in prison, he has looked back on his life, prayed about his future, and decided to go into mainland China as a missionary. So he is preparing for this ministry in prison. Because he can have only very limited study materials in the prison, he reads the Bible and text books again and again. We prayed together for his continuing study and future ministry. We don’t know when he will be released from prison, but we believe God will lead him in God’s time and God’s way. I hear about him from his wife, who also took my class, and continue to pray for him.
One Sunday afternoon in August Ji Yeon and I invited one of our classmates, who had studied Chinese together with us, to a Chinese-speaking church. She had lived in Hong Kong with her family for five years and was about to leave for Japan to continue her study at college. It was the first time in her life that she had visited a church. After the worship service, we invited her for lunch and shared the gospel. She had never heard about the gospel before. She said, “Every morning, I pray to the sun. But now I know to whom I should pray. I’ve finally found what I have been looking for. I really want to live as a daughter of God.” We prayed together and she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior and Lord. She was truly happy about hearing the gospel. We continue to keep in touch with her. Last week we heard from her that she had met with a school chaplain and begun to study the Bible. She was very grateful to us for sharing the gospel. But we thank God for preparing her heart for the gospel and for giving us this joyful opportunity to share the love of God. We are looking for others who also need to hear the gospel.
The new semester began three weeks ago. Former students came back and many new students arrived. I hope this new semester becomes another fruitful one. I pray that our students will grow more in their personal relationship with God and be well equipped as faithful disciples of Christ.
We are deeply grateful for your love, prayers, and support. Please continue to pray for us and this ministry. Without your prayers we cannot do this ministry powerfully and faithfully, following the will of God. We ask you to pray for us to continue this ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes! It is your loving prayers and financial support that make this ministry possible.
In your prayers, please also remember our students and professors at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, the people of Hong Kong and China, and our two sons, Samuel and John, in the U.S. We also ask for your financial support. Without your generous support, this ministry cannot continue.
Grace in Christ,
Myoung Ho and Ji Yeon
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lordas the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 241
Read more about Myoung Ho Yang and Ji Yeon Yoo’sministry
Write to Myoung Ho Yang
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