A letter from Karen Moritz serving in the Czech Republic
February 1, 2016 – Concluding Six Years
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Prague. I hope this letter finds everyone well. This is a challenging letter for me to write but I’m going to press on. I have been here in Prague for almost six years now. My service as a Presbyterian mission co-worker is measured in three-year terms, and I am finishing my second term as an Ecumenical Relations Facilitator with our church partner, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. For a variety of reasons the ECCB and I have decided that it is time for a change, so I will be leaving here this spring. The ECCB is in the midst of many changes, which include the election of a new Synodal Council, which began its work at the end of last year. So all of us are moving into a somewhat uncertain future, excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.
Karen and Burkhard with Gerhard Frey-Reininghaus, the ECCB Secretary for Ecumenical and International Relations.
I don’t know where God is leading me at this point and I have been actively exploring several options. I would welcome your prayers during this time of discernment. If you have any leads or ideas I would also welcome those. I sense that God is calling me to return to the U.S., but I don’t know any specifics yet. I am striving to be open to a variety of options including possible service again as a parish pastor or service with an institution of higher learning. I trust God has something wonderful for me, where my gifts for ministry can be shared.
Although this position in Prague is ending, Presbyterian World Mission’s ministry in Europe will continue. Burkhard Paetzold is our regional liaison in Europe, where he actively engages with and supports our ecumenical partners throughout the region. He also supports the ministry of several Presbyterian mission co-workers serving in Ukraine, Lithuania and Germany. I hope many of you will be able to support his ongoing ministry. He has been a wonderful support to me and has become a good friend. I know he would be grateful for your support and prayers. If you are interested in exploring this possibility, please let me know. I can provide you with details about how you can transition your support to him and his ministry.
Charles Bridge at sunset
My term officially ends June 30, and I would be so grateful for your continuing support until that time. Your generous gifts will make it possible for me to effectively finish my service and will make it possible for me to resettle as I search for my next call. As a part of my transition I am planning to return to the U.S. in early May. I plan to spend some of my remaining time itinerating, and I would welcome the opportunity to visit with you and your congregations. If you would like to schedule a visit in May or early June, please let me know. You have all been an important part of my life and ministry and I would welcome the opportunity to say thank you and goodbye. At the conclusion of my term, at the end of June, I have been selected to serve as a Missionary Advisory Delegate (MAD) to our General Assembly in Portland. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve the larger Church in this way. My service as a mission co-worker began with a commissioning service at the 219th GA and now will end with my service as a MAD at the 222nd GA. Perhaps I’ll see some of you there.
Rev. Dr. Karen R Moritz
ECCB Central Church office
Ecumenical Department
Jungmannova 9 P.O. Box 466
CZ 111 21 Praha 1
revkarenmoritz@gmail.comKaren.moritz@pcusa.org+420 739 244 885 Czech mobile number
1-712-326-5163 U.S. mobile number (effective in early May)
The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 330
Read more about Karen Moritz’ ministry
Write to Karen Moritz
Individuals: Give online to E200386 for Karen Moritz’ sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507533 for Karen Moritz’ sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
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