Memories and Thanksgivings

A Letter from Dustin and Sherri Ellington, serving in Zambia

Spring 2022

Write to Dustin Ellington
Write to Sherri Ellington

Individuals:  Give online to E132192 in honor of Dustin and Sherri Ellington’s ministry

Congregations: Give to D500115 in honor of  Dustin and Sherri Ellington’s ministry

Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery)


Dear friends,

We type this final letter from Zambia amidst piles of books, boxes, and household items waiting to be sold or given away, with a few heading onward to Lebanon to meet us there. It is a bittersweet time, doing these tasks while saying goodbyes and processing what it means to let go of a place and people we have deeply loved.

Fortunately, we are also writing in the midst of many warm memories of our 12 years in Zambia and, including our five years in Egypt as well, our 17 years with Presbyterian World Mission.

THANK YOU for being part of the things God has done in us and through us and through our partners and colleagues over these many years.

In closing out our time, we’d like to share a few photos representing some of our treasured memories of these 17 years.

We appreciate prayer in the coming months:
*For mental, emotional, and spiritual adjustment to having closed up our ministry, home, and life in Zambia and our time with Presbyterian World Mission.
*For Justo Mwale, that God will continue to work so that Jesus Christ is lifted high here, that the leadership will have wisdom, and that staff and students will be sustained financially.
*For our upcoming travels: back to the U.S. this week, within the U.S. this summer, and to a new ministry setting in Lebanon this fall.
*For good moments of connection with our two sons and with our parents and extended family.
*For our transition to a new mission sending organization and for God to provide support.

Thank you again, so much, for all of the ways you have sent, cared for, and prayed for us over these past 17 years in Egypt and Zambia.

With appreciation and love in Christ,

Sherri and Dustin Ellington – Sherri — Dustin
(Please use the above personal email addresses going forward.)

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