God’s Glorious Blessings

A letter from Claire Zuhosky serving in Niger

August 2017

Write to Claire Zuhosky

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In April of 2017, PC(USA) World Mission held an African Regional Gathering in Rwanda, a conference that was inspiring, renewing, and challenging to mission co-workers and peace keepers who serve in many different backdrops. It is now 20 years after the genocide that killed millions of people, turned neighbor against neighbor, created orphans by the hundreds, and left all levels of society reeling in its aftermath. The knowledge that some members of the Catholic clergy took part in the genocide by turning over their very own congregants to be killed led the Christian church as a whole to lose all credibility with survivors, who are still desperately groping their way through the dark to discover if light still exists. Therefore, the first step of reconciliation in this context was and still is a difficult one.

Mission colleagues entering the Genocide Memorial in Kigali.

The PC(USA)’s partner church in Rwanda was the first to take a humbling look at itself, acknowledge publicly its fault, and seek forgiveness. The church sought ways to be an active part of the healing process. One such ministry is their Light Group, which brings perpetrators and victims of the genocide together in dialogue. Hearing firsthand from the members of this ministry brought me to tears, for the work the Lord is doing within them is self-evident. They have reached a level of forgiveness that includes visiting one another’s homes and taking part in each other’s family celebrations. Having this opportunity to visit Rwanda was a life-changing experience. My prayer is to return to Niger with my eyes open in new ways to those seeking justice, seeking reconciliation, and seeking healing.

Upon returning to Niger, I found the youth I work with busy preparing and taking their final exams. This was a very difficult period for many students who feared they would not pass, especially those who were trying to pass their grade for the third or fourth time. Our church held a prayer service the Friday before exams began, a service in which the adults and youth gathered, prayed, and fasted for five hours. The exams took two and a half days to complete and students waited two to three weeks for the results. Please give praise to God for those who passed, and pray for the other three-fourths who will need to take the entire year of school over in order to complete the exam once again.

Group doing landscaping to earn money to attend their National Youth Camp.

As I write, the youth are greatly looking forward to participating in their National Youth Camp, which will meet August 5-10 in Maradi. This camp will feature delightful worship, hilarious skits, soccer matches, fellowship in every corner of the facility, and meditation on the Word. For many families, especially large ones, it is difficult to find the money to send their children. Therefore, the youth seek opportunities within the Christian community to find work. A large group of youth did landscaping work at the Eglise Evangelique de la Republic du Niger’s (EERN) radio studio compound; the pastor in charge gave funds to those who participated. I joined the youth during this day of work to be in fellowship with them, and I provided their lunch.

My guard, Samaila Maman, with his family and me.

It is with overwhelming joy that I report that my guard, Samaἵla Maman, his wife Rahanatou, and their two sons, Nathan and Abraham, just welcomed a new member to their family. In the early morning of June 12th, he entered the world, and seven days later the family held a naming ceremony, where they baptized him and named him Barnaba. The women socialized in front of the house, where they looked at the baby, helped to cook the meal, and discussed village life. Meanwhile, the men rested on benches just outside the door that secures their walled yard. So many men came that they completely filled the small road of their mud brick village. Smiles and congratulations were passed around as Christians, Muslims, friends, and family celebrated this blessing of God together. I was blessed beyond measure to see that Samaἵla’s wife had chosen to dress the baby in one of the outfits I gave as a gift the day he was born. For it was a symbol of the love and respect we have garnered for one another over these years of service together.

Prayer Requests:

• Please pray that that those who participate in the Youth Camp this year will be enriched in their Christian development and this fire will last throughout the year.

• For God to provide blessings of unfathomable account for the Youth Hosting Centers, spiritually, financially, and programmatically. These centers will provide a Christian housing option for students who walk great distances to go to school.

• For opportunities to use my gifts of photography and video to help aid the communication agenda of the EERN.
• For the construction of a pastor’s house that my church has commenced. Pray that they will have all the materials needed and the construction will finish on time with no issues.

• For a Christian convert woman who wants to have the courage to live her faith openly while in prison among majority Muslims.

• Through this season of heat entering into the rainy season, there have been many power cuts and meningitis outbreaks. A few people even lost their lives in the capital city of Niamey and in Maradi due to torrential rains that damaged many structures.

Your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support are dearly appreciated as we continue on this journey to ignite sparks of light that will ultimately lead to a restorative Heaven on Earth, and I ask that you continue to offer such sustenance. May all praise and honor be unto Jesus’ glorious name!

Your Sister in Christ,

Claire Zuhosky, M.Div
Youth Center Development Specialist

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