God’s Bounty in Rwanda

A Letter from Kay Day, serving in Rwanda

September 2019

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Dear Friends and Family,

Two Sundays this past month I witnessed what God has been doing through the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) and through your support for the ministry here, and I was humbled by it. Each August, the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda has a church-wide evangelism rally for four days, hosted by a different presbytery each year, the culmination of which is the annual ordination service on Sunday. This year the event was held in Zinga Presbytery, in the eastern region, about four hours from PIASS. Ten new pastors were ordained. Seven of them had been my students. I had preached at five of their weddings, baptized two of their children and been on the dissertation team of four of them as they completed the requirements for graduation. I was delighted to watch as they raised their right hands to pledge to serve Christ and the church and to see the presidents of their respective presbyteries place robes and stoles on them. Then all ordained pastors in the congregation were invited to come forward and lay hands on them as they were prayed for. What a joy to a part of these bright young men and women accepting the call of Christ on their lives.

The following Sunday, I was invited by Peter Hagenimana, one of the newly ordained pastors, to join him in his parish as he celebrated his first service as a full pastor. I had preached at his wedding in July and been part of his dissertation team for his graduation from PIASS, so it was a joy to take this next step with him. The parish is high in the mountains of Kirinda Presbytery, in the western province. It was a three-hour journey from PIASS up into that remote area. Seven of my present students accompanied me, including two from Kirinda Presbytery. As we drove through a small village, one of the students called for us to stop. There walking on the side of the road was a former student who is doing her internship in that village. We greeted her and went on our way. We climbed high into the mountains of Kirinda Presbytery, following a river that winds its way through the valleys. Again, one of the students called for us to stop. There was one of our Presbyterian pastors conducting baptisms in the river down in the valley. We climbed out of the car, waved greetings and took photos. Pastor Philemon was one of my first students. As we continued, the discussion in the car turned to the parishes we were passing. The students from the presbytery identified the parishes and the pastors serving those parishes. All six of those mentioned were my former students.

I was humbled to think of how God is using these men and women I have had the blessing of helping to prepare for ministry. You, my friends and family, have been a part of this with me. Your ministry of support for my ministry has enabled me to be here and to teach and train these young pastors. Thank you. I could not be here without you. You may not know the names of the students and the locations they are serving as I do, but that does not make you any less a significant part of their training. You are here in ministry with me through your prayers and your financial support. On the students’ behalf, I say thank you and ask you to please continue with us in this endeavor. Your contributions are making great differences in the lives of the members of the church here in Rwanda through the pastors you are helping to train. What a blessing!

Yours in Christ,

Kay (Cathie to the family)

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