A letter from Justin and Renee Sundberg, serving in Nicaragua
November 2017
Write to Renée Sundberg
Write to Justin Sundberg
Individuals: Give online to E200391 for Justin and Renee Sundberg’s sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507579 for Justin and Renee Sundberg’s sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery
Four years ago, we began our term as mission co-workers in Nicaragua! Our assignment has been to serve as a bridge between US churches and the people of Nicaragua, under the guidance of our stellar partner, CEPAD. As we finish our four-year term, we want to say that it has been an honor to serve Presbyterian World Mission, CEPAD and our church partners.
Some of you visited Nicaragua in the last four years. And some of you have relationships that reach back to the 1980s. You have prayed faithfully for Nicaragua and for us! Thank you.
In our final newsletter, we share our agriculturally-inspired “gleanings.” Poet and novelist Wendell Berry says, “Telling a story is like reaching into a granary full of wheat and drawing out a handful. There is always more to tell than can be told.” With that in mind, we will share a few handfuls of the heart-harvest.
From Nicaragua’s people … our beautiful brothers and sisters

Mariana’s humble kitchen
Nicaraguans love their country and take great delight in learning that visitors appreciate their culture and natural riches. We have marveled at the ingenuity and creativity of the human spirit in our Nicaraguan friends. Instead of complaining about some difficulty, they would prefer to find a way to work with whatever situation their labor-intensive lives present. We have witnessed and grown to respect the dignity of all work done with passion, love and hope. Our neighbor, Mariana, raised 12 children and cooked for them over a wood fire in a structure the size of a small tool shed. Mariana often sweeps her dirt yard so that it is pristine and free of debris. She sweeps with purpose and joy—as an act of gratitude, stewardship and appreciation for what she has. Mariana inspires us to try to work in the same way.
Nicaragua’s most economically impoverished, those living in the countryside, called campesinos, have taught us about relationships. We feel privileged to be invited into their daily routines. We worked alongside US teams as co-laborers—digging, clearing, preparing and planting—to support their efforts to bring life and livelihood to their families. But their labor went beyond the fields. One of our children, Ethan, got sick in the middle of the night on one of our homestays. Every time he awoke to vomit, Maria Felix, the matriarch of the home, drew near to share with me in the work of caring for him. Because we were under her roof, we were her family. In the quiet labor of night-parenting, we were knit deeply together.
When I asked Ethan, age nine, what he learned from Nicaraguans, he responded, “People are generous and kind; they will give you everything. Especially in the countryside.” Ethan discovered that those who have the least material goods seem to know the most about generosity. A powerful lesson.
From CEPAD … our partner that celebrated 45 years of tireless work this past fall

Justin with CEPAD delegation hosts.
We have witnessed how small, incremental, community-driven work brings grand results and immeasurable human transformation. These years have given us a storehouse of inspiration as we watched CEPAD plant literal and figurative seeds of hope. We will cheer for CEPAD, first-rate development practitioners and faith-filled people.
From Presbyterian World Mission
PWM models strategic vision, razor-sharp focus and incredibly thoughtful engagement. We have been well-equipped and supported every step of the way. We feel very privileged to have been a part of this beautiful expression of the church. With so much that can divide us today, the unified commitment to the Great Commission carried out with compassion, humility, hope and love is the best we have to offer this world.
From YOU … our vital partners

Thank you for being part of God’s goodness in Nicaragua.
We have a harvest of warmth and affection. We have been blown away by your generosity and your great desire to engage our world thoughtfully and respectfully. We have loved serving with you. You’ve loved us and you’ve loved our kids. From the care packages and cards you sent, to taking the time on your visits to get to know our children and help them steward their experience in Nicaragua. Thank you for helping to nurture their faith and for being an arm of the church from so far away. You have helped us all gain a terrific experience of the wide embrace of the family of God. We cannot thank you enough for your love, support and prayers.
We give gratitude and glory to God for this season—God is faithful, steadfast, merciful and so, so good.
“The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Renée, Justin, Autumn, Jack, Cassie and Ethan
We are thrilled to let you know PWM is now actively seeking someone to fill our position. We hope that you will continue to walk alongside CEPAD and Nicaragua, and pray for and support the new mission co-worker who will fill this role.
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