A letter from Kay Day in the U.S., on Interpretation Assignment from Rwanda
May 2016
Write to Kay Day
Individuals: Give to E200502 for Kay Day’s sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507524 for Kay Day’s sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
Dear Friends and Family,
Rejoice with me! For almost a year we have been praying for PC(USA)’s funding crisis and the impact that might have on mission co-workers’ positions. God has answered our prayers. No additional mission co-workers will be recalled from the field! This is the direct result of the tireless work of the Funds Development team and the Louisville staff and of you and your generous giving. Thank you! This means that at the end of September I will return to Rwanda and resume my work at PIASS (the Protestant Institute of Arts and Sciences). My heart is filled to overflowing right now. I am so grateful to you, to the Louisville staff, and to our faithful God who has guided and directed all of this. I just praise his Holy Name!

My gently used car, God’s provision
April has been a month of adjusting and refocusing and in that a time of blessing. The travel back to the States was uneventful, even with my flights being changed at the last minute to take me through Brussels. Once here, I have had a great home opened to me as my own, thanks to Nora and Gary Goetz. I had great support from a wonderful Christian car dealer from the Beulah Church in Pittsburgh, who had a “gently used” car waiting for me. It is a great blessing. In the process, I met a helpful insurance man and had the opportunity to share stories of God’s faithfulness with him. I have been joyfully mobile because of the provision of the car. For that I praise God. I’ve been able to adjust my body clock and am now functioning on Eastern Daylight Saving time. I have gotten a smartphone and, while I still think it is smarter than I am, I am slowly mastering it. I am deeply grateful to all who have helped me get settled.
Already I have had the pleasure of sharing some of this in four churches and in Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery. What a blessing to be with you to show photos and answer questions about the work of God in Rwanda. In the next five months I will be visiting with many of you to thank you in person and to share stories of God’s reconciling work in Rwanda and of the faith of some of the amazing Christians there. Each Sunday I am here I will be preaching in a different church. During the week I will be speaking to various groups, as I have already been doing. I am grateful to God for a full schedule. I am looking forward to informal times with many of you as well, time to share personally and to pray together.
Rejoice with me in God’s provision for the ministry of his church in this amazing giving from the church. This is because of your faithful support. Thank you. I ask that you continue to be partner with me. The PC(USA)’s announcement is for the next two years, but God’s work goes well into the future and you are a part of that. May God bless you as you have blessed me with your support.
Yours in Christ,
Kay (Cathie to the family)
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