A Letter from Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and José Manuel Capella-Pratts, regional liaisons in the Caribbean
May 2024
Write to José Manuel Capella-Pratts
Write to Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri
Individuals: Give online to E132192 in honor of Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and José Manuel Capella-Pratts’ ministry
Congregations: Give to D500115 in honor of Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and José Manuel Capella-Pratts’ ministry
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery)
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“Welcome to your house*
You are here, as is God
Let the party we have planned in your honor begin.
Welcome to your house*
Here we speak in love
The language of the soul
The language that moves mountains.
The language of God.”
*The word “casa” could also be translated as “home.”
Dear friends,

Valdir Franca, Vilmarie and José Manuel in La Habana, Cuba at Primera Iglesia
The words of the hymn, translated above, “Bienvenido a tu casa” (Welcome to your house/home) describe well our first few weeks of the year 2024. José Manuel and I have “hit the ground running” this season with visits to the República de Cuba, the Republiek Suriname, and the República Dominicana. This hymn, part of the “Misa de la Alegría” (Happiness Mass), greeted us at the sanctuary of the historic Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada in La Habana, Cuba, our first stop, where we participated in the annual synod meeting the Iglesia-Presbiteriana Reformada en Cuba (IPRC).
First stop, La Habana, Cuba …This year’s Iglesia-Presbiteriana Reformada en Cuba (IPRC) Synod assembly focused on the year ahead considering the social and economic challenges our Cuban siblings navigate daily. The theme, “Por una iglesia que reafirme la esperanza” (“For a church that reaffirms hope.”) based on Jeremiah 29:11-13 was adopted for the next two years as guidance for the work. Of note during this assembly was the report of P.P. (Rev.) Alison Infante Zamora, the outgoing moderator. The report presented a careful analysis of the social and economic situations on the island and the affirmation of the role of the church in the community. Issuing a poignant call to the reconstruction of hope and continuing educational efforts paired with effective public advocacy, the assembly affirmed the report and referred it to presbyteries and congregations on the island. The assembly also recognized the work of women and youth organizations and approved the re-conditioning and re-organizing of the Centro de Actividades Nacionales de la Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada, also known as the CANIP camp.

IPRC Officers Izett Samá and Dora Arce
Being present at the assembly gave us the opportunity to bring greetings, say farewell to the outgoing officers, and to rejoice with the election of the new ones. We celebrate the election of the new officers: P.P. (Rev.) Izett Samá Hernández, moderator; P.G.(Elder) Gustavo Saurí Garcés, vice-moderator, the re-election of P.P. (Rev.) Dora Ester Arce Valentín as General Secretary (Stated Clerk), and P.G. (Elder) Yosbeni Ochoa as Deputy Clerk. P.P. Izett Samá Hernández took a moment to thank the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the congregations that are part of the Cuba Partners Network for their steadfast accompaniment and support. Our congratulations and prayers continue with the leaders of our sister church.
Next stop, Paramaribo, Suriname… March found me (Vilmarie) in Suriname for The Caribbean and North American Council for Mission’s (CANACOM) administrative committee meeting. CANACOM, aggregates 12 member churches, reformed and presbyterian denominations, in the Caribbean-Atlantic basin. Moving forward with mission relationships and plans for the next two years, our team will focus on addressing two of its five main goals: gender-based violence and poverty and inequality. I was elected last summer to be part of this team, and, with our first in-person meeting complete, I’m grateful for the time together learning about each other, experiencing the rich culture of our host country, and for the plans underway. Please pray for the year ahead and for the Young Adults in Mission (YAM) Camp that will take place this summer precisely in Paramaribo. Around 30 “Yammers” will attend the event to learn, worship and serve the community together. Prayers ascending for these young people, their advisors, the planning team, and the team at the Reformed Church in Suriname who will host them.

At the CANACOM meeting in Paramaribo, Suriname with the Administrative Committee in front of Central Reformed Church.
Last stop in early spring, República Dominicana… Mid-March found me (José Manuel) at the Dominican Republic visiting partners with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). Our friends of the Reformed Church continue with their JET Program (Youth Empowered for Transformation). They also continue their important work with the Haitian-Dominican communities (also known as “bateyes”). Our friends of the Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana continue to serve through Community Health Evangelism as well as other programs in the region. We will share more about this important visit with PDA in future letters. For now, please continue to pray for the programs, the partnerships, and the social and advocacy work being done by our siblings in the Dominican Republic and continue to pray for our siblings in the Republic of Haiti. We invite you to pray for Haiti and to read the call to prayer issued by our Stated Clerk.

José Manuel and Saturnino Pérez from JET Program in Dominican Republic
Yes, it has been a busy and life-giving beginning of the year, and more is yet to come as we continue to journey with our Caribbean siblings. “Bienvenido, bienvenida, a tu casa. Aquí se habla en amor…” prays the hymn. Whether we speak Spanish, Dutch, French, Haitian Creole, or English, we understand, in our own hearts, what it means to be part of the Caribbean family, hearing and experiencing the language of God that binds us all: Love.
“Bienvenido a tu casa
Aquí se habla en amor
El Señor de la casa
Te abre Su corazón.”
We invite you to listen to the hymn “Bienvenido a tu casa (Canto de Entrada).”

Caribbean Prayer List
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