A Letter from Jim McGill, serving in Niger
Summer 2024
Write to Jim McGill
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Dear family and friends,
It has now been nine months since the coup d’etat in Niger, and my subsequent evacuation. When I left last August, it was expected that the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) would quickly reinstate the deposed President and that I would be able to return very soon thereafter. However, the new junta government was never forcefully challenged by ECOWAS, and the coup has now been internationally accepted to have been successful.

Mme. Saratou Djadi, in front of the MHH latrine at the EERN School in Banifandou, Niamey
During my absence, I have been asked as to how my friends and colleagues are faring. The latest reports indicate that the sanctions imposed after the coup have increased hunger for many within Niger, and several friends have complained about the rise in cost of food. I hear from both Nigeriens and ex-patriots that while daily life continues as usual, there is more uncertainty regarding the future. They request your prayers.
I have also been frequently asked about how our partner church, the Eglise Evangelique de la Republique du Niger (EERN) is managing its Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) work while I am away. To respond, I would like to share a few examples of how the work continues through the efforts of four colleagues.

M. Hachimou Kadade, testing solar pumps at the SMART Centre in Kobantafa, Niamey
Mme. Saratou Djadi, as the Programme Manager for the EERN WASH Department, has been working part-time for EERN WASH and has been the Department’s only paid staff member. She also works with the EERN School in Banifandou, a suburb within Niamey. While involved in administrative work for our WASH activities, Mme Saratou has also taken the lead in the Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) programme. A grant through PC(USA) was received by EERN WASH this past January, funding her continuing work in MHH. She is currently training students in the EERN Schools in MHH to reduce stigma related to menstruation and is also training women at the Mailo Bible College in the production of reusable sanitation pads.
Mr. Hachimou Kadade is the caretaker for the EERN Church in Kobantafa, a peri-urban suburb of Niamey where the EERN WASH Training Centre is located. Despite Mr. Kadade only having had the opportunity to attend school for six years, he is an extremely capable young man. When not engaged with church activities, Mr. Kadade has worked with the WASH training Centre and has improved his welding skills so that he can now make pumps and drilling equipment. He has learned to assemble household water filters, and as well to build latrine slabs and pedestals with a desirable micro-flush ‘flapper’ addition. Mr. Kadade is now independently increasing his income through hand-drilling wells and by installing pumps, water storage tanks, and latrines. He is also involved in training youth groups in producing filters and simple WASH products.

M. Joel Labo, installing the storage tank for a “One Evangelist / One Well” well in Gade, Maradi
Mr. Joel Labo was born into one of the large and well-to-do EERN Christian families within the Hausa lands of Niger. He was able to attain a good education and now works as a full-time technician for the EERN radio studios. He also uses his entrepreneurial gifts to design and sell irrigation systems – systems which the EERN WASH Department’s “One Evangelist – One Well” programme contracts him to install. Mr. Labo is now beginning an installation for a solar-powered submersible pump for the borehole drilled for Batafadoua congregation and will be training local teams in maintaining the system that he installs.
Mr. Ibrahim Yerima is a Muslim gentleman and is the owner of a large septic tank emptying business. Mr. Yerima is on the leadership council of the international Pan-African Sanitation Association and is also President of the Niger Sanitation Association. The EERN WASH training Centre began working with the emptiers through producing and training production of pit emptying tools that allow pit emptying without the emptiers having to suffer the indignity of physically entering latrine pits. EERN WASH had begun working with Mr. Yerima in advocating for the manual pit emptiers to become members of the Niger Sanitation Association. Mr. Yerima has been helpful in connecting the EERN WASH with the Ministry of Water, and with local government, opening a path for the EERN to advocate on behalf of the manual pit emptier. This EERN WASH work in advocacy continues today through the partnership with Mr. Yerima.

M. Ibrahim Yerima (left) with M. Oumarou Magade (right), President of the Niamey Manual Pit Emptiers at the Faecal Sludge Management Conference in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in February of 2023
These Nigerien nationals are extremely capable and are keeping the EERN WASH work active. We all recognize the importance of collaboration, and with email and WhatsApp, I can stay aware of and support what is being done while I am away.
We are always grateful for all of your prayers and support through this time of separation from our collaborative work. Please continue to pray for the people of Niger.
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