Ways to Support Mission


Your gift to Presbyterian mission is compelled by the words of Jesus in Matthew 25: “Lord when did we see you…” The church is called to serve and to save the lost, the least, the left out.

As a connectional church, when we work together, we accomplish a lot. Your congregation’s and mid-council’s financial support to the national level, extends the reach of impact around the world, with international and ecumenical partners. We are in ministry together, as the Body of Christ, to welcome, to provide food, water, and a safe place to live and to heal. Together we are the visible presence of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your ministry and your support.

Shared Mission Support

We are the Church…TOGETHER – congregation, mid-council, national level – we live out the call of Christ. When you give to Shared mission you are giving without restriction to your mid-council and the national level of your church. Your shared mission gift makes it possible, in times of urgency, when the church must be heard, to respond in a timely manner. Your gifts make it possible to provide resource people and materials that educate and interpret critical issues for your congregation. For every season and every age, the Church is invited, anew, to answer the question of Matthew 25 and decide how we will participate to eradicate systemic poverty, dismantle structural racism and foster congregational vitality. Together we are in ministry to make a difference in the name of Jesus Christ.

Directed Mission Support (DMS) or Extra Commitment Opportunities (ECO)

You or your congregation may wish to make a gift over and above shared mission support. You may have a ministry (or a season!) when you feel a ministry has an urgency or immediacy.

Our General Assembly has mandated designated giving opportunities to four Special Offerings:

  • One Great Hour of Sharing: sharing God’s love with our neighbors in need by relieving hunger, promoting development, and assisting in areas of disaster
  • Pentecost: nurturing the faith of those who are the church to come – children, youth, and young adults
  • Peace & Global Witness: promoting the peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice around the world
  • Christmas Joy: providing assistance to church workers in their time of need and developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color

You may choose to designate your gift in another area, of course.

Per Capita Giving

Per capita (which means “by the head”) supports the necessary work that the councils of the church – session, presbyteries, synods, the General Assembly – undertake. Per capita is an apportionment that each congregation pays per member. Every member of a Presbyterian congregation is encouraged to contribute to per capita. Presbyteries, synods and the General Assembly all determine a per capita figure.

The ministry and work of the meeting of the General Assembly, Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, all national and special committees and commissions, important constitutional and theological work are supported by your per capita contributions as well as shared mission support.

Presbyteries and synods also set per capita apportionments to support their ministries.

Congregational and Individual Giving

Both support the work of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Congregations have been and continue to be the PMA’s major source of funding. We deeply appreciate the generous congregations across the country that support the PMA’s work. We also welcome individuals to support PMA ministries directly with dollars that are over and above their regular congregational gifts. We are grateful for the many Presbyterians who feel passionately about Presbyterian mission and who want to provide direct financial support.