Become a Matthew 25 church

Where to begin?

Members of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis get ready to clean up their community on their annual “Day of Caring.” Courtesy of Northminster Presbyterian Church

There are already PC(USA) congregations that identify themselves as Matthew 25 churches. We aim to help multiply this loving commitment to radical and fearless discipleship by partnering with mid councils and congregations to help them embrace one or more of these three focuses:

  • Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.
  • Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.
  • Eradicating systemic poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.

How can the national church help?

Our goal is to be a clearinghouse of resources, training materials, devotional and preaching aids, success stories, curricula and more — everything to help you strengthen relationships, transform your church, and bring alive your commitment to “serve the least of these” in your community and around the world.

How do we become a Matthew 25 church?

It’s easy! Simply pledging to become a Matthew 25 church and letting us know is the first step.

Sign up my congregation  
Sign up to become a Matthew 25 presbytery or synod    

What else must we do?

An important continuing responsibility of being a Matthew 25 church is proclaiming our successes: how our congregation or community has been impacted or changed, how we’ve found a new purpose in ministry, how our faith as disciples has been energized. Sharing our stories also gives clarity to our ministry and strengthens our commitment to continue this important work.

We invite you to tell us how embracing Matthew 25 is impacting your congregation, even if your progress is still in its early stages. The journey is just as important as the end results, and we want to rejoice with you and share the good news. Send just a short blurb (under 250 words with photos or a video, if you’d like). We may get in touch to learn more.

Here’s a new story of impact from my church