Israel-Palestine Resources


After a Violent Event: For Pastors and Others Giving Support

Justice and Reconciliation: Theological grounding and practical guidance for the church’s worship in times of conflict.

Service for Justice and Peace


A Prayerful Study of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions

Israel-Palestine: For Human Values in the Absence of a Just Peace (2016)



Stated Clerk and others express support for Gaza partners

Final Christian Zionism webinar centers on Christian nationalism and its political ramifications

TAKE ACTION: Urge U.S. Officials to Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Support Humanitarian Aid, and Protect Civilian Life

Confronting Christian Zionism webinar moderator reflects on series, speakers and advocacy

CMEP holds prayer vigil before Israel’s prime minister addresses Congress

Nationalism and Christian Zionism focus of latest webinar.

IPMN pens open letter to university leaders calling for divestment

Office of Public Witness urges funding restoration of UNRWA

First ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ webinar draws large audience

PC(USA) webinar on ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ is scheduled

For the past decade, Presbyterian Hunger Program has partnered with a Gaza organization working on food security

Members of the ‘Solidarity with the Suffering’ delegation share what they saw and heard during their eight days in Palestine-Israel

Calling for a stop to the destruction of Gaza

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board learns more about Matthew 25 plans and the fighting in Gaza

PC(USA) Hunger Program associate analyzes Gaza’s worsening humanitarian crisis

Palestinian Lutheran pastor galvanizes Matthew 25 Summit on closing day

PC(USA) webinar touches on multiple aspects of Israel-Palestine crisis

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director is among faith leaders attending a White House meeting on seeking peace in Gaza

PC(USA) webinar seeks clarity on Israel-Palestine crisis

Presbyterian Hunger Program partners flee violence in Gaza

Hospital bombing in Gaza Strip draws strong reactions from General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations

Washington office of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Israel-Palestine

Presbyterian Mission Agency ministries authorize funds to support relief efforts in Israel-Palestine

30 Heads of Churches urgently call on President Biden for ceasefire

Bulletin Inserts

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Humanitarian Response in Israel and Palestine


Israel Palestine Mission Network Resources 

Why Palestine Matters: The Struggle to End Colonialism  (for non-profit group study sessions)



A Walk on the West Side – Douglas Dicks, PC(USA) mission co-worker

Jerusalem’s patriarchs, heads of the churches call for urgent need to end the war

Diving deeper into Gaza’s water crisisFood & Faith blog

Mission Matters in Israel-PalestineDouglas Dicks, PC(USA) mission co-worker

“Christians bear historic responsibility for the current catastrophe in Israel/Palestine, due to the destructive legacy of antisemitism, Islamophobia and imperialism. Alongside Jewish and Palestinian leaders working for peace, Christians must do our part to end the violence.” –Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice,: “Why I’m Marching with Jews to the White House to Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza” by Margaret Ernst