Israel-Palestine Our Partners

Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PC(USA)

The Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) is the PC(USA)’s only General Assembly mandated partnership. In collaboration with the PC(USA) Middle East Office, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and other General Assembly entities, the IPMN seeks to “demonstrate solidarity, educate about the facts on the ground, and change the conditions that erode the humanity of both Israelis and Palestinians, especially those who are living under occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.”

Jewish Voices for Peace 

Kairos Palestine

Kairos Palestine is a “Christian Palestinian movement, born out of the Kairos Document, which advocates for ending the Israeli occupation and achieving a just solution to the conflict.”

ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance is a global faith-based coalition organized in national and regional forums operating in more than 120 countries. Through more than 140 members, ACT works on humanitarian aid, gender and climate justice, migration and displacement, and peace and security to support local communities. ACT’s goal is to promote a locally led and coordinated approach to advocacy, humanitarian and developmental issues. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is a member organization of ACT Alliance.

PDA is supporting the ACT Palestine Forum Appeal in addition to grants to direct partners. PDA is not identifying direct partners providing humanitarian aid at this time for their safety.

The Methodist Church

Churches for Middle East Peace