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Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study


Welcome to the Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study companion webpage. You can download the bible study and access additional materials here.


Download the Presbyterian Hunger Program Bible Study.


Greniers Communautaires au Cameroun from RELUFA on Vimeo.

Food Sovereignty: Vulnerable communities in the semi-Saharan Far North Province are thriving through their participation in the network’s Food Sovereignty program. Having been organized to run their own communal grain banks, farmers in 34 villages now ward off speculators at harvest time. Instead of selling their yields to merchants who hoard the produce to maximize profits later in the year, the crops are stored in the village granary. When families run out of their own reserves, they can take grains on in-kind credit and pay back this loan from the next sorghum harvest later in the year.

Impact Through Seeds: Watch a brief video of how PHP’s work with the MPP to bring seeds to Haiti is making a profound difference.


Go Deeper

Download Behind the Video: Going Deeper into the story of RELUFA and Communal Grain Banks.


Check out these websites:

RELUFA (Cameroon)
Joining Hands Cameroon

Joining Hands Haiti