Mental health for everyone

Mental Well-being During A Pandemic

Tips on promoting mental and spiritual well-being in the pandemic and coping with emotions of stress, fear, and panic from the Presbyterian Mental Health Network. 

Building Resilience Webinar from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

A one-hour program designed to increase participants’ understanding of their own signs of stress and teach in-the-moment tools to engage the relaxation response in body and mind.  Two versions (general audiences, faith leaders).

Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health:  Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine and Isolation During Disease Outbreak

Handout from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) defines terminology, discusses emotions and connecting with others, includes practical ways to cope and relax during an infectious disease outbreak.

Mental Health America COVID-19 Resources

Wealth of COVID-19 mental health resources presented in user-friendly format.  Tools and information on anxiety. Resources for first responders, parents, caregivers, older adults, domestic violence survivors, LGBTQ+ individuals, and veterans. Screening tools also available.

Responding to Racism During the COVID-19 Outbreak (ADAA)

Discussion of racism in the context of COVID-19, its impact on victims, strategies for calling it out and interrupting it, and for ending it. 

Why Human Connection is So Crucial to Our Health

NPR episode of The Hidden Brain.  Powerful conversation with Dr Vivek Murthy, 19th Surgeon General of the United States, about the importance of human connection and how we can strengthen our social ties even during a time of physical distancing.

24/7 Crisis Helplines

All calls are free and confidential. Call, text, and chatline options in English and Espanol. Options for people who are hard of hearing or deaf.

National Disaster Distress Helpline
For anyone experiencing distress or mental health concerns during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

National Suicide Prevention Helpline and Lifeline Chat
For anyone thinking about suicide, worried about a friend or loved one, or wanting emotional support.

National Veteran’s Crisis Line
For veterans and their family and friends to talk to qualified Department of Veterans Affairs responders, many of them, veterans.

National Domestic Violence Helpline and Resources 
For anyone experiencing domestic violence or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship, and for family and friends concerned about a loved one.

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
For any child being hurt, anyone who knows someone who might be being hurt, and anyone afraid they might hurt another. 

Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ Young People)
Crisis intervention and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ young people

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline 
Free, confidential, 24/7 treatment referral and information service for individuals and families facing mental health and/or substance use disorders.

Online training opportunities

Mental Health First Aid Training (virtual training option coming soon)
Eight-hour training for the general public to acquire or refresh the knowledge and skills needed to understand and intervene in a helpful and role-appropriate way when someone is experiencing a mental health concern or crisis.

Red Cross Mental Health First Aid for Coronavirus Online Training (free during the pandemic)
One-hour online course designed to help individuals build resilience and support themselves and lend support to others during and following the COVID-19 outbreak.

QPR Suicide Prevention Online Training
One-hour basic training in suicide prevention for members of the public. Longer specialized modules also available.

Stories of resilience to uplift and inspire

If the Trees Can Keep Dancing, So Can I: A Community Poem for Coping in Crisis
Audio-clip and text of crowdsourced poem about grief.  NPR’s poet-in-residence Kwame Alexander pointed to Nancy Cross Dunham’s poem, “What I’m Learning About Grief,” and asked that submissions begin with those same words.

Pandemic — a poem by Lynn Ungar, March 11, 2020.
Reframing social distancing as a time to reach out with words, love and heart.

Lessons of Empathy and Uplift from Covid-19
“Look for the helpers,” Mr. Rogers’ mother would tell him whenever his family learned about difficult news. Amid the serious challenges involved with the coronavirus pandemic, the world has many good people who want to help. Helpers might include first responders, volunteers, doctors or community members. All the NewsHour videos in this lesson feature different kinds of helpers, all with uplifting or empathic stories. Developed by PBS.

Mother and Daughter Brief but Spectacular Moment:  Bonding with Family and Friends During the Pandemic
Medical student daughter and certified nurse practitioner mother reflect on bonding with their family and friends during the pandemic. (PBS Newshour)

A Humble Opinion on a Successful Post-pandemic World
Author Kelly Corrigan relies on a familiar mental exercise when the reality of the crisis feels like too much to handle. She shares her humble opinion on imagining a world after the pandemic — and how the experience might change us. (PBS Newshour)

The Story of Captain Tom
Story of Capt. Tom Moore, a British war veteran, who at age 99 walked the length of his garden 100 times to raise money  for Britain’s National Health Service (NHS). He turned 100 on April 30, 2020, having raised more than 30 million pounds.