The 1001 New Worshiping Community Residency – The Open Table KC

2020-2021 – An Invitation

Applicants are sought for a one-year 1001 New Worshiping Community residency established by the Open Table KC, in partnership with Second Presbyterian Church and Heartland Presbytery.

Applications, including letters of reference, are due by March 15, 2020.

The Open Table (one of the PCUSA’s 1001 new worshiping communities) is a community of peace and reconciliation in a city divided.  We believe in a community where everyone belongs, a city where all have the power to pursue their dreams and ambitions, and a people who are committed to each other’s liberation, until all are at the table together. At The Open Table, we create space for hospitality, conversation, peace, and reconciliation, and we root our theology in contemplation and liberation.

Overcoming our divisions requires open dialogue from many voices, especially those who have historically not been invited to the table, and ones impacted the most by injustice. With that in mind, we curate spaces and experiences presenting new perspectives meant to challenge and inspire, letting us rediscover ourselves and experiment with new ways to engage with our world. God welcomes everyone to the table, no matter where you’re from, what you practice, your race, economic status or sexual orientation. In response to God’s extravagant welcome, our hospitality extends to all. As a church community we work to be actively anti-racist and affirming to people who are LGBTQIA. We gather every second and fourth Sunday from 6:30 – 8:00pm for food, music, and conversation.

Residents who are interested in collaborating with our community will be exposed and immersed in a New Worshiping Community that is committed to experimenting with ways to be the church in the 21st century. All residents can expect to have many opportunities to engage with the larger KC community, interact with local social justice organizations, collaborate with the Organizer and Curator on various large and small gatherings, and empower various Open Table participants to lead through creating discussion groups, social gatherings, and service opportunities.  Our community’s leadership structure is flat and we operate using consensus.  Also, as leaders, we see ourselves as organizers instead of teaching pastors, as we bring in many voices from both inside and outside our community.  Our community is eclectic, as we have folks from a variety of socioeconomic, ethnic, sexual orientation, and religious backgrounds participating in our gatherings.

At The Open Table, our core values are community, hospitality, rest, beauty, and justice. We are looking for residents who embody these values. We also don’t shy away from speaking about controversial social issues, as we recognize that this is where the church can become a truly prophetic voice in helping both religious and nonreligious people draw the circle wider, creating a more just and inclusive community. Because of these values, we are looking for residents who are drawn to grassroots organizing, have a passion for social justice, and a commitment to loving both friend and enemy.  We are also looking for residents who are creative self-starters.  Our constant at The Open Table is change, so creativity and adaptability are a plus.  Above all, we are looking for residents who are followers of Jesus and want to be co-laborers in the building of the community of God’s people on earth.

As the leadership team of The Open Table, we are excited about hosting residents for 1,001 New Worshiping Communities.  The Open Table would provide fertile soil for developing the next generation of pastors and leaders.  With our consensus-based flat leadership, and our community organizer model for running a new worshiping community, we would be an ideal location for anyone looking to gain leadership experience in a creative setting.

Any resident that partners with The Open Table can expect a culture of mutuality and respect. We hope to learn from any resident just as much as we hope to share our journey and experiences with them. Residents at The Open Table would provide us much needed support as we continue to grow and develop more service opportunities and small group offerings.  We hope to learn new insights about our community from residents, and we hope they learn from our story and systems for an expression of church in the 21st century.

Residents will report directly to the Organizer and Curator, and will take part in our leadership team meetings.  There will be weekly meetings to discuss short, medium, and long-range goals for the community.  At these meetings, there will be accountability for tasks assigned to the residents.

Financial Support: The total package available for support of this residency is $45,000 for the year, to include salary and health insurance support. The Open Table will work with the successful candidate to organize the package to be most beneficial to the resident. The resident will be an employee of Second Presbyterian Church. (SITE)

Selected applicants will take part in the National 1001 New Worshiping Communities Residency and Apprenticeship Training program this summer July 6-9 2020 (location TBD and costs covered)

Applications, including letters of reference, are due by March 15, 2020.

Apply now

Site contact information

Nick Pickrell, Organizer
(816) 363-1300 x234

Wendie Brockhaus, Curator
(816) 363-1300 x240

Application checklist

Cover letter including:

What attracts you to this residency?
What do you hope to gain out of this experience?

Completed application
Two Letters of Recommendation

Application deadline is March 15, or when the position has been filled.  Questions? Contact Nick Pickrell at, Wendie Brockhaus at  or Sara Hayden at

Email your completed application and cover letter to the following persons:

Nick Pickrell at
Wendie Brockhaus at
Sara Hayden at