Summer and Year-Long Apprenticeships

1001 Apprenticeship Program Overview

Start something new as you learn alongside experienced mentors.
Considering a call to start a new ministry?  Learn alongside peers and experienced mentors.  It’s a chance to start something new with the support you need to do it well. It’s an opportunity to build community with a diverse, national cohort of peers, all while living missional practices in your own local context.  Meet our current apprentices.

We are now accepting inquiries for spots in our 2016-2017 apprenticeship program:

  • A summer cohort in Los Angeles focused on discernment
  • A nine-month national cohort, based in your local context (Sept-May)
  • A residency in collaboration with Broad Street Ministries, based in Philadelphia (Sept-Aug)
  • A new campus ministry residency in Charleston, in collaboration with the Journey NWC  (Aug-July)

All apprentices and residents will take part in a national training in Atlanta, June 24-27 2016.

You can download an apprenticeship application below and send your completed application to  Residency and apprenticeship applications will be accepted through March 25, 2016.

Discover your calling—discern what’s next.

There are many ingredients  to forming a new worshiping community.: prayer, relationships, passion, courage, a listening posture.

It’s essential to make  space for discernment. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has created this space for potential leaders.

We have two apprencticeship opportunities: One for 10 weeks over the summer in Los Angeles. And two national cohorts for 9 months throughout the year.

During the apprenticeship leaders receive…

  • the opportunity to start something new, and coaching to help you do it

  • training and discernment in new worshiping community work as a part of a diverse cohort of colleagues

  • one-on-one coaching from a mentor experienced in the inaguration of new ministries

  • access to national leaders to help you navigate the dynamics and opportunities involved in starting ministries that are both contextual and transformational.

This year, our apprentices are located across the country in Philadelphia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Tempe, AZ; Dubuque, Iowa; Avon Lake, OH; Carlisle, PA; Columbia, SC; Pittsburgh, PA; Ormond Beach, FL; and all around Los Angeles, CA. They are pastors, seminary graduates, students, lay leaders, and college students.  They aer at every age and stage and career because 1001 leaders are at every age, stage, and career.

If you are interested in being part of a future apprenticeship group, we’d love to talk with you.

How it works:

The New Worshiping Community apprenticeship is designed to identify, recruit, and equip leaders to inaugurate new worshiping communities. Individuals selected for this program through an application and interview process will be placed in partner church sites for supervision as they attempt to develop a new work of ministry. Interns will benefit from the action-reflection model of ministry supervision, as well as teaching that connects interns with missional theology and contextual ministry skills. Apprentices will also benefit from cohort gatherings with peers to reflect on ministry and call. The 1001 movement will benefit, as potential ministry leaders are deployed to try an experiment in new ministry with intentional support and equipping. It is our hope that many of these attempts at new worshiping community will continue, or lead to follow-up attempts at forming worshiping community. Existing churches will benefit as they are partnered with these apprentices and have the experience of walking alongside and encouraging a new work of ministry. In addition, existing churches that are not partner churches will see in their local regions examples of new ministries being attempted at a rather small level, which could inspire them to partner with entrepreneurial leaders to attempt new works of ministry in their own community. Seminaries will benefit as students experience field education that prepares and equips them to do new works of ministry.

Important Dates:

  • Application deadline: March 1

  • Decisions made: April 15

  • National Training in Atlanta: June 24-27

  • Summer dates: June-Aug 2016

  • Nine-month dates: Sept 2016-May 2017


In addition to our residencies, two apprenticeship streams are currently available:

  • cohort in Los Angeles (June -August) in partnetship with Northland Village Church

    • Full-time for ten weeks

    • $2500 stipend (apprentices must raise $500 of this stiped)

  • (2) cohorts (anywhere in the USA) (Sept -May 2017)

    • Part-time, about 10 hours/week, for 9 months

    • $3500 stipend (apprentices must raise $500 of this stipend)

All apprentices and residents will participate in a national training in Atlanta during June.  We pay their costs associated with this training.  They will team-build, experiment in diverse models of worship, receive Core Clarity consultation in StrengthsFinder, receive missional theological training, and develop skills in entrepreneurial leadership and faith-based formation.

What are the major components of the apprenticeship?

  • Inaugurating a contextual and transformative new ministry from scratch

  • Participating in a cohort of peers and mentors for reflection, training, and discernment

  • One:one coaching every two weeks with an experienced NWC coach

Apprentices may also work with their partner site to gain additional experience –preaching, etc — as agreed upon.  The summer apprenticeship is focused more on discernment than on starting ministries from scratch

How are apprentices matched with a partner site?

All summer apprentices are hosted and supervised by Northland Village Church.  Summer apprentices live in Los Angeles or surrounding area.

Nine-month appprenticeships are located in the context in which the leader feels called to live and work; it is usually near their current residence, but doesn’t have to be.  [They could re-locate for the apprenticeship, if desired]. Once an apprentice receives a recommendation for a spot in the cohort, we will work with her/him to find a coach and match them with a local site, either a NWC, another organization, or a missional established church.  The nine-month national cohort members meet about every two weeks for conversation, training and discernment via google hangout.

Who can apply?

This program is upon to people at any stage of the life. We have had college students, seminarians, seminary grads, pastors, and other professionals apply and successfully go through the program.

What’s next?

All applicants for the program will be notified by March 25, assuming they applied by the deadline.  Then, we will begin matching them with coaches and partners.  Once matched, the coach and apprentice will complete a covenant together outlining additional learning opportunities the apprentice will receive.

Contact Sara for more information