

Jeff Eddings

Associate for Coaching and Spiritual Formation | (502) 200-4461

Jeff Eddings is the Coaching Associate for the 1001 New Worshiping Communities movement where he connects a diverse network of coaches to our leaders to help give them the guidance, support, and encouragement they need in their work. 

Jeff was co-founder of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community where he was pastor for 15 years and he has over 25 years of church leadership experience. He recently completed the Shalem Institutes ‘Transforming Communities’ certificate program where he learned techniques for leading groups and retreats using forms of contemplative prayer.

Jeff is drawn to contemplative spirituality and has been guided through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercise by a spiritual director. The Ignatian moto of ‘finding God in all things’ is one he seeks to live by. Jeff most readily finds God in spending time with his family, camping, good coffee, and sitting under a star filled night.

Jeff lives in the South Side of Pittsburgh with his wife Carolyn and their 2 dogs. Their two sons, Ben and Sam, are both in undergraduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh.  You can learn more about Jeff and his work at

Q:  My Investment Grant commitment letter says I am required to have a coach. Why do I need a coach?

A:  Starting a new worshiping community is hard work, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone. A good coach can walk beside you on the journey and help you along the way. Coaches meet regularly with you to listen, ask great questions, help you discover your gifts, and enable you to discern the way forward when you get stuck.

Q:  How do I find a coach?

A:  1001 New Worshiping Communities has many trained coaches. For additional information, email Jeff Eddings at

Q:  What does it cost to contract with a 1001 coach?

A:  We recommend an annual stipend of $1,500 paid by the new worshiping community to the coach. In addition, we recommend one site visit per year, also funded by the new worshiping community.

Q:  Is there any way we can get financial help for the cost of a coach?

A:  We strongly recommend that the presbytery or partner congregation share in the cost of the coaching agreement. All parties have a part in the coaching relationship and benefit from coaching. The grant itself may be used to contribute toward the expense of a coach. When coaching was added as a condition for grant recipients, the amount of the grant was increased to address the added cost associated with the conditions. Or consider using the specific cost of a coaching contract + site visit (around $2,000) to gain a new donor to your community. A donor who has experienced the importance of coaching may be pleased to give for that purpose.

Q:  Do we have to use one of the 1001-affiliated coaches?

A:  No. Some presbyteries have other resources they can offer. Our 1001 coaches are specially trained to work with leaders of new worshiping communities. We have coaches who speak a variety of languages. But you are welcome to select a coach who works well for you.

Q:  How do I inform you that I have a coach?

A:  Please send a signed copy of the coaching agreement to or have someone from your presbytery oversight committee write a letter affirming that you have an agreement with a coach for at least one year.