New Church New Way


1001 NWC – 10 year anniversary!

By the time you get this email, we will be closer to Thanksgiving than we were to Reformation Sunday and All Saints’ Day, but I am writing on Oct. 31, the day after I worshiped with a congregation marking their 175th birthday. It was a banner day, complete with tartans and bagpipes, choirs, cake and a pageant that told the story of the congregation — through celebration as well as confession.

As someone whose days are spent with young worshiping communities, it is good to remember that even the strongest, largest, oldest congregations among us started with just a handful of disciples figuring out how to be the Body of Christ together. Their faithfulness and faltering give us courage and light our way. And the witness of our new communities brings energy, hope and fresh ideas — and faces — to our existing congregations. We need each other. 1001 is celebrating a milestone of our own — 10 years of starting and supporting new forms of church in the PC(USA). I hope you will take a minute to read about some of our newest gatherings and enjoy the video of Woodhaven Ghanaian Church in Irving, Texas.  You will be wowed by the joy of their worship.

And then take a minute to look back and look ahead at the 1001 movement. It feels like we are just getting started!

Grace and peace,


Nikki Collins
1001 New Worshiping Communities national coordinator