1001 Assessments


Discover Your Path to Flourishing

Leadership assessments are a vital component to the health and sustainability of new worshiping communities. Faithful and self-aware leaders propel new worshiping communities forward.

We also want to every new worshiping community leader to flourish in their work and their lives. Regardless of how things go for your new worshiping community, our hope is that you’ll see this season of your life as one in which you experienced growth personally, spiritually and vocationally. The 1001 assessment programs are designed to help you identify your path for flourishing.

Our goal is to hold up a mirror to you that allows you to see your gifts and goals clearly, and to also know areas of growth you’ll need to pursue, and the kind of people you might want around you as you pursue a new thing. At the end of the assessment process, you’ll receive concrete advice about next steps for your own flourishing and a disposition from the assessment team about the degree to which they see point leadership of a NWC being a good fit for you.

Apply now


Missional Leadership Quiz (MLQ)

Have you ever wondered if starting a new worshiping community is for you? The MLQ is a new, self-assessment to help you discern your level of readiness to become a new worshiping community leader. Although this does not take the place of the more comprehensive Discerning Missional Leadership assessment, this short quiz is a good first step in the discernment process. The MLQ is free, and you will receive your results immediately.

Take the MLQ


Exploring Missional Leadership (EML)

Exploring Missional Leadership is a daylong introduction to the skills and competencies necessary to start a new worshiping community. Attending an EML can serve as a training opportunity for NWC leadership teams, mid council leaders and commissions, and individuals in the early stages of discerning a call to start a new worshiping community. Email Michael Gehrling to host an EML in your Presbytery.

More about EML


Discerning Missional Leadership (DML)

Ready for a more comprehensive assessment? Discerning Missional Leadership is a three- to four-day, in-person opportunity offered around the country several times each year. DML assessments give you a chance to get to know others as you work in teams and reflect on your gifts and goals. You’ll come away with insight and a plan for next steps.

DML schedule and cost

Apply for DML assessment

Schedule and Cost

DML Events


1. August 19-23, 2024- Pittsburgh, PA- Register Here

2. September 23-27, 2024 -Tacoma, WA – Register Here

3. October 13-18, 2024 – Austin, TX – Register Here

4. Online DML – October 30 – December 4, 2024 – Register Here
*the online DML will take place on Wednesday afternoons, over the course of 5 weeks.

If you are interested in attending one of these Assessments, please email Molly Atkinson at molly.atkinson@pcusa.org

$675 for an Individual 
Full-time Seminary Students (Non-DMin):  $325 for an individual 

This includes the cost of the assessment, housing, and most meals for in-person events. Participants will need to provide transportation to the site along with funds for about two meals out unless otherwise noted. [The DML typically costs us over $1,800 per person, but we feel they are so important, we have supplemented the registration fee by over $1,000 for each participant.]

A $100 deposit is required at the time of registration. Deposits are non-refundable, but may be transferred to a later DML with a minimum of 30 days notice prior to the event should you need to change plans.

Exploring Missional Leadership

Starting a new worshiping community is hard work that requires particular competencies in order to flourish. How can you know whether God has given you the gifts needed to start a new worshiping community? How can we all identify and encourage potential new worshiping community leaders? If God is calling us to start a new worshiping community, how can we best prepare? Exploring missional leadership answers these questions.

Exploring Missional Leadership is a daylong event hosted by mid councils and seminaries and led by 1001 national staff. Through presentations, active learning and group conversation, participants will be introduced to the nature of missional church planting and the competencies needed to do that work. Participants discerning a call to start a new worshiping community will be guided in identifying next steps to take in their own skills development. Participants involved in overseeing NWC work will be guided in ways to identify and cultivate potential new worshiping community leaders in their presbytery, congregation or circle of influence.

We do not have any EML events scheduled at this time, but check back with us regularly for more dates and locations.

Who Is EML For?

  • New worshiping community leadership teams
  • Individuals who are in the early stages of discerning a potential call to start a NWC but aren’t yet ready to attend a full DML Assessment
  • Mid council staff and leaders, including members of NWC Commissions, CPMs and COMs

How can I bring EML to my presbytery/seminary?

Email Michael Gehrling for more details. Hosting an EML requires providing a space to hold the event, providing lunch for all participants, publicizing the event and handling registration. The 1001 team provides the rest at no cost!

Attend an EML near you!

We’re always working with presbyteries, seminaries, and churches to bring the EML to as many as possible. Check back regularly for more dates and locations!


Into all the world

The story of Presbyterian global mission began 175 years ago—with the ‘hardheaded, Holy Spirit–filled people’ of Western Pennsylvania.

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