Part-Time Apprenticeship with 1001 New Worshiping Communities

Leaders of new worshiping communities face the daunting challenge of creating something new that is both contextual and transformative. We want to help. 1001 New Worshiping Communities offers several different training and support mechanisms to enhance your experience and help you and your team start strong – with the support you need to thrive.

  • Saying ‘yes’ to this call by inaugurating a contextual and transformative new ministry;
  • Participation in a cohort of peers and mentors for meaningful weekly reflection, training and discernment (on Zoom, hosted by Sara) and an annual in-person retreat;
  • Planning your next steps through regular coaching. Our coaches are experienced leaders in the 1001 NWC movement and certified through the International Coaching Federation.

All apprentices and residents will participate in a national gathering. Costs associated with this training are covered by the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Participants will team-build, experiment in diverse models of worship, receive asset-based leadership analysis training in StrengthsFinder, receive missional theological training, and develop skills in entrepreneurial leadership and faith-based formation.

What’s next?

All applicants for the program will be notified by April 15 of each year, assuming they applied by the March 15 deadline. You can apply at any time before that date; applications are reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis until spots are filled. In July, we begin matching apprentices with coaches. Each summer, our group kicks off with some chances to meet one another and share stories and prayers, virtually.

If you are interested in being part of a future apprenticeship group, we’d love to talk with you. If you have questions or want to talk this through, please contact Sara Hayden or submit your application today.

Click for application