Sabbath and Sabbatical Grants

Nurture your faith journey and growth by taking time to practice the spiritual discipline of sabbath.

Sabbath Grant: For NWC Leaders with at least 2 years of experience.  This grant of $1500 is to be used for at least one week of Sabbath Retreat.

Sabbatical Grant:  For NWC Leaders with at least 5 years of experience.  This grant of $3500 is to be used for at least four weeks of Sabbatical.

Each grant will require a Sabbath Advocate from the community as well as presbytery support.  Once approved, the recipient will meet with 1001 staff to formulate a sabbath plan that will support deep engagement in a practice to support body and spirit.  If selected, the grant will be paid to and disbursed by the supporting presbytery.
The online application is hosted by Kaleidoscope and administered by Financial Aid for Service staff in Theology, Formation, and Evangelism in partnership with 1001 New Worshiping Communities.  

Grant will be temporarily closed starting June 17, 2024 and will re-open August 12, 2024

Applications now open! Apply here

Self-Designed Cohort Retreat Grant

A grant for small groups of New Worshiping Community Leaders to attend a retreat or learning experience together.

1001 invites small groups of at least 3 participants to self-organize for a retreat to learn and rest together.  Existing 1001 cohorts may apply for this grant, or a group of leaders within the movement with a common interest or curiosity may choose to organize and apply together.

To begin the process, leaders must choose a cohort name and begin a plan for the retreat including anticipated dates before applying for the grant.  Participants will apply individually.  If awarded, each participant will receive up to $1000 which will be disbursed through the participant’s partner presbytery.

Leaders are not eligible for a Self-Designed Cohort Grant and a Sabbath/Sabbatical Grant in the same year.

Deadline to apply is November 10! Apply Here