Match my gift to fight hunger.

Make your year-end gift by December 31 to double your impact.

Inflation and the rising cost of living have been challenging for all of us over the past couple of years. We’ve all felt the pinch on our pocketbooks.

But for people who already were struggling to get by, that pinch is more like a punch! Every time they try to get caught up, they’re knocked back down by the increasingly high costs of groceries, housing, gas and other essentials.

We’re hearing from Presbyterians across the country sharing stories of rising food and housing insecurity in their communities. Congregations are seeing more demand on food pantries and backpack programs that provide children with food for the weekends when free school meals are unavailable. Even food pantries are struggling to make ends meet.

Your faithful support is urgently needed to help fight hunger on every level. You can now make twice the impact to help the Presbyterian Hunger Program alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes. A group of faithful Presbyterians will match your gift up to $20,000 between now and December 31.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to help alleviate hunger with twice the power.