Posts Tagged: presbyterian

Puerto Rico, Climate Change & Food

Overview In December, I participated in a delegation comprised of staff from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Self-Development of People (SDOP), and Special Offerings, and we invited local pastors and mid-council staff to join us for the visits to Fideicomiso de la Tierra, a decimated family farm in Lares, and Presbyterian Camp Guacio over the course of… Read more »

PHP & Hunger Action Congregations Update

Dear Friends in Christ, On behalf of all of us at the Presbyterian Hunger Program, we send our greetings and best wishes for a wonderful new year. We hope it is full of love and joy, and full of faithful effort to bring us closer to God’s vision of the beloved community here on Earth…. Read more »

“The times they are a changin” Climate Post

globe and web with climate justice or climate chaos printed on it This one is personal. While making a Szybkie Danie Quick Meal ‘Taste of Thailand’ here at my airbnb (think fancy curry ramen, except with rice), Bob Dylan started whining about “times a changin” from my father’s memorial playlist. I’d made the playlist for a family celebration of his life last December. You see, my father passed in… Read more »

Dummies Guide to the Paris Climate Agreement

Infographic explaining COP21 Paris Agreement If this COP24 Global Climate Summit is primarily about implementing the Paris Climate Agreement, it would help to know what that is, right? So, the Agreement is only 31 pages, but I for one would rather see an infographic that explains it. Well, here it is! Thank you World Resources Institute. Right. So the first… Read more »

On-the-ground Update from the Global Climate Summit

Hello from Katowice! Yes, it is raining but spirits are high. I arrived by train last night from Warsaw after a 20-hour trip and shared my dinner table with Max, a sustainable bioenergy specialist from the National Wildlife Federation. Max, who grew up in Oakland, is also working to get Democrats and Republicans to join… Read more »

People’s Demands on Climate Justice

By Andrew Kang Bartlett Delegates from the world’s nations, and yours truly, will gather in Katowice, Poland to lay out the rules that will implement the 2015 Paris Agreement, policies that will affect the lives of billions of people. As the delegates assemble, people of faith and good will can raise their voices together for… Read more »

Climate Change and You

You are the reason I am going to Poland in the frigid month of December. I’ll be representing the PC(USA) at this global climate conference called COP24 (I’ll explain the name below) from December 3-10. Why you? Because you, and many other yous, will help make this a hospitable planet for our children and grandchildren…. Read more »

Rural abundance core to justice, climate and food

Winners of Food Sovereignty Prize Heartland of the country This phrase conjures up images of farmers in red flannel shirts, combines, rich soil, and giant bundles of wheat. While this can still be found, the reality is often less Norman Rockwell. Decrepit barns, empty silos, abandoned mills and boarded-up Main Streets are common. Presbyterian Today’s Donna Jackson writes about how… Read more »

Rural abundance core to justice, climate and food

Heartland of the country This phrase conjures up images of farmers in red flannel shirts, combines, rich soil, and giant bundles of wheat. While this can still be found, the reality is often less Norman Rockwell. Decrepit barns, empty silos, abandoned mills and boarded-up Main Streets are common. Presbyterian Today’s Donna Jackson writes about how… Read more »

Life Without a Farm Bill: An Update

women at farmers market taking voucher The last Farm Bill, which is reauthorized every five years, expired on September 30, 2018. With prospects for a short-term extension of the 2014 Farm Bill gone and Congress unlikely to return to Washington, D.C. before the November elections, the focus of advocates must now shift to trying to help pass a good, bipartisan 2018 Farm… Read more »