Posts Tagged: pcusa

Donation Ideas for Congregations

Supporting our community members in need Hosting a donation drive? Check out this list of useful items from our partners at BeLoved Asheville. For friends who are unhoused: Socks Blankets Sleeping bags Tents Backpacks Flashlights and batteries Wipes (Baby wipes and/or cleaning wipes) Vitamin C and D Over the counter meds or first aid supplies… Read more »

PHP and Growing Hope Globally Grow Impact

Boys harvesting rice The Presbyterian Church (USA)—through the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance as well as local congregations—has had a decades-long partnership with Growing Hope Globally, an organization that connects U.S. farmers, churches and communities to subsistence farmers around the world in order to help address hunger. The Presbyterian Hunger Program is at work around the world and specifically has been… Read more »

A Philosophy of Welcome in the Midst of Covid-19

This reflection comes from Rev. Kirk Perucca, Pastor for Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Kansas City, MO. Covenant Presbyterian Church, an urban residential congregation in Kansas City has a mission. We feed people. Period. We serve people in a dignified, caring and just matter. Jesus didn’t ask for two forms of ID, one could be a… Read more »

Dreaming Another World as this One Heats

Heat, a Common Denominator Out of control fires. Hottest decade on record. Hot oceans spawning super storms. Polarized politics. Heated debates. COVID fever. The discomfort is now hitting the middle class and even upper classes feel the encroaching heat. The unrelenting  suffering from racism, hunger, poverty and injustice has spread from the invisibilized margins into… Read more »

Farmworkers in the Pandemic: Webinar Resources

“It’s ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves.” ~ Cesar Chavez CONTENTS: Presenters Next Steps Take Action Connect With Us Online Find Resources Platform for Food & Farm Workers University of Florida Resources for Farm… Read more »

Slaughterhouse: Meat processing workers risk Covid-19 infection

meat processing with bones and meat on big table *** May 7, 2020 UPDATE:  Meatpacking plants have become national hot spots for the novel coronavirus. Of the 25 largest clusters of COVID-19 cases in the United States, six are tied to meat processing plants (the rest are prisons and nursing homes). At least 48 workers have died from the virus, and another 11,000 have… Read more »

Getting at the roots so we can harvest the fruit

PHP national work in tree graphic Presbyterian Hunger Program’s PHP Post is out – hot off the PDF press! Featuring stories from U.S. partners around the country, the Spring Edition is now available. This issue includes: Articles from grant partners in Chicago, North Carolina, and New Jersey Hopeful Action in Hard Times PC(USA) National Hunger Concerns Poster Panning out with Kathia… Read more »

Food in a Pandemic: Curated Cream of the Crop

Will we have enough to eat?! Great attention is being paid to our food and farm system given the fault lines laid bare by the Covid-19 pandemic. We are learning how much there is that needs changing! I have selected articles in the nine topics listed below and hope these are helpful as we envision… Read more »

Community Organizing Brings Affordable Housing to Elgin

folks with shovels breaking ground for the new affordable units Four percent of the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering is used to address homelessness. The lack of affordable housing is one cause of homelessness as well as a root cause of hunger and poverty in the United States. Congregation-Based Community Organizing has a great track-record of successfully pushing towns, cities and counties to finance… Read more »

“The times they are a changin” Climate Post

globe and web with climate justice or climate chaos printed on it This one is personal. While making a Szybkie Danie Quick Meal ‘Taste of Thailand’ here at my airbnb (think fancy curry ramen, except with rice), Bob Dylan started whining about “times a changin” from my father’s memorial playlist. I’d made the playlist for a family celebration of his life last December. You see, my father passed in… Read more »