Bursting the Bubble on Food Alarmism: Why Bill Gates is Dead Wrong

Traveling through Cancun has been a profound and empowering experience. It was ironic, as I spent more time in Cancun, the reality of the United States became clearer. Here in the states we’re told that consumption and growth are the keys to progress. In the Global South they are told that you must work for a corporation’s workshop, and your land is no longer yours but a tool for exploitation. The chasm between reckless consumption and consumerism, and social and environmental degradation is vast and creates the actual reality in which we all live: the climate is warming at an alarming rate, world food supplies are dwindling, and the natural world is being eroded beyond the possibility of being healed.
Read more »Crops have been hit hard, so international aid is needed desperately. People can give through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance https://www.presbyterianmission.org/give/DR000038/
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