Posts Tagged: dairy

Weaving our Way to Wholeness

Jim and wife holding dairy farm sign While wholeness may be the ultimate goal, in the meantime, I value determined weaving. The wholeness we seek may be beyond our reach given the lack of maturity of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (such a self-congratulatory term), but weaving with those you care about is good, true and (while definitely messy) beautiful! Today, the gift I… Read more »

Beyond the Rural Urban Divide

Cow people spell 'solid' with signs Cultivating Solidarity in Tough Times By John Peck, executive director of Family Farm Defenders  The full article is here (pages 9-11) and includes great content on U.S. farm justice history.  Family Farm Defenders is a strategic partner of PHP and a fabulous, farmer-led group that is committed to solidarity and movement building. You can find… Read more »

Faith and your dinner plate

globe and web with climate justice or climate chaos printed on it Food choices help mitigate climate change Originally published in the Presbyterians Today March/April 2019 edition Choosing a protein for a meal is no easy task. Can you afford it? Is it good for you? If you have kids, will they eat it? Then there are the less common and more challenging questions: Was the earth… Read more »

Choosing a Sustainable Future: Agroecology at COP24

Shefali and Kelsey at session on Missing Pathways Getting at the Roots The best session I attended at the global climate summit was How Do We Get There? Agriculture, Energy and Systemic Change to Meet the Paris Agreement, which included this presentation by Shefali Sharma. Shefali is the director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) European office. IATP has been a great partner in… Read more »

Why did your organic milk get a ‘0 cow’ rating?

One would hope that organic milk would be healthy as well as being good for land and cows. Alas. This scorecard crushes that hope. Based on a just-completed comprehensive study –Full Report | Executive Summary, the Cornucopia Institute has released a handy five-cow ranking chart where you can find 160 organic milk brands. I was eager to see… Read more »

Food sovereignty for us dummies

If you have heard the term – FOOD SOVEREIGNTY – and not known what they heck it is, take heart because you are not alone. But our friends at Grassroots International and the National Family Farm Coalition have come to the rescue. Now you can hear U.S. and international family farmers talk about what food sovereignty is to them – simply! And you if you can read it in your mother tongue, if that happens to be English, Spanish or Portugese. (French is coming soon)

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