Posts Tagged: climate action

Presbyterians and Utmost Leadership in Earth’s Climate Crisis

group photo of PEC at Stony Pt Center By James R. Turner, guest writer from Presbyterians for Earth Care Humanity has only another decade left to achieve a decisive shift in our energy regime, so that we do not leave our children an Earth that is ravaged by climate heating. In “Investing in a Green Future: A Vision for a Renewed Creation” the… Read more »

2021’s Biggest Climate News and What to Do

sign with "There is No Planet B" By Jessica Maudlin, PHP Dear Friends of Creation, This Monday morning’s news is the most important environmental news in years.  The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report provides clear scientific documentation that our world is truly in crisis. Along with our friends at PEC, we have reviewed the reporting in… Read more »