A great article on a local farm, called Norwich Meadows. My friend Rachel's family is a member of their CSA, and we are working on setting up a CSA directly through our church here in New York City with Norwich for next year. This article speaks poignantly to the relationship of food and faith, commenting on what it means to be truly halal and Muslim in the context of farming.
Also, the journalist is an organizer for Tuv ha'Aretz, a program that organizes CSAs for the Jewish community. The farm where I worked this fall is part of this program, and my boss is pictured on their webpage and the cover of their booklet titled (aptly) "Food and Faith." We also had a gleaning where a local synogogue came to harvest extra crops and give them to a soup kitchen, and a Sukkot on the farm for a few days (until the famed North Fork wind blew it over).
Keep on harvesting.