Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

Still Waiting on Reform

Here is a wonderful (yet sad) editorial from today’s NY Times on what happened in the House with the Farm Bill. The Fairness in Farm and Food Policy Amendment was defeated Thursday night by a vote of 117-309. And the…

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Luke, Jesus, and Dinner

We are in the third year of the three year Revised Lectionary Cycle, which means we are deep in the Gospel of Luke. There is a lot of food in Luke. From the opening page where the baby Jesus is…

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A Mid East Peace for the Mid West

Huh? Yep. Reducing farm subsidies is a complicated process and the Wall Street Journal gets it right when they compare it to brokering peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict. We need more brave souls to join those in Congress who are…

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Landon Whitsitt is a pastor from Kansas City and a wanna-be gardener . He and his wife, Jerilyn, co-author the blog grow. eat. laugh. love., which chronicles their journey to living a new food lifestyle. This article is cross-posted there….

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Genetic Roulette

The exhaustive study cited in yesterday’s New York Times article deals a potentially crushing blow to the biotech industry – including the purveyors of genetic engineering in agriculture – one that “calls into question the scientific principles on which it…

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You Act Out What You Eat

You probably know much of the next two paragraphs, but the link between food and, say, classroom behavior is less well-known. Check out the bolded paragraph below and read more from Ode Magazine, which has just updated their website -…

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